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Ancient Weapons

The Ancient Weapons appear after your first visit to the Northern Crater. There are six in all. Some, like Sapphire Weapon, you will only hear about or see in FMV scenes. Others, like Diamond Weapon, are bosses. but there are three that you can pursue optionally.

First there's Ultimate Weapon. You fight him once in Mideel, but he runs off. On disc 3, you can continue the fight end eventually kill him. He will be hanging out in a big crater east of Junon, just waiting for you fly into him with the Highwind. When you fight him there, he will run away again and you'll have to chase him. He occasionally stops over mountains, like near Corel, but mostly he hangs out over cities or villages. Here are his stats:

Okay, usually it takes four or five fights to drain all 100000 HP, but if you have Knights of the Round, or Cloud's wonderful Omnislash, you can do him in on the first try. When you do drain all of his HP, he will head to an area by Cosmo Canyon. You fight him there to finish him off. Make sure you give an E.Skills Materia to the perosn that delivers that killing blow, because UW will cast Shadow Flare on him/her, and that's a skill well worth having.

When he dies, UW will hand over Cloud's best weapon, and he'll also pave a route to the Ancient Forest, an optional treasure trove(provided you can slove the puzzles...). Of course with the right Chocobo, you can access the Forest MUCH earlier.

Next comes Emerald Weapon. This guy can be found swimming around underwater, so you'll need to hop in the sub for him. When you first get the sub, I always suggest that you save the game, and go look for him. No offense, but he's lay the smack down and kick your ass so hard it hurts for weeks. This guy has mor HP than every other required boss in the game, combined. You're up against 1000000 HP of hard feelings, and you're gonna regret running into him.

There are a few decent ways to successfully kill EW, but they all take some work. Here's the method I prefer. It takes a long time, but it also makes the Final Dungeon REALLY easy.

Now here's what happens. The Underwater Materia will take away the 20 minute timer on the fight, so you can take your time and pace the fight(this means more time to heal). At the start, whoever has the Sneak Attack+KOTR will cast the summon automatically. Then he will get his turn. Have him cast KOTR 2 more times(thanx to W-Summon). Then have your two buddies Mime it over and over. And if you have a third Mime materia(or a Master Command), you can have your original Caster mime it as well. Of course, this is much easier said than done. Emmy has 4 independantly functioning lasers, and multiple attacks that can do extreme damage to your party. Also, the lasers are capable of depleting your MP. If the character with the FinalAttack+Pheonix combo loses his MP, and you get killed, you won't be able to come back. So keep your MP levels up. the best thing to do is to keep miming until your Pheonix caster runs out of MP, or dies(whichever comes first). Then just pop a megalixir, and start the combo over. You will have to cast KOTR at LEAST 8 times to win, and that's only if you're doing 9999 HP per hit. In the end, you gain buttloads of XP and AP, and you get the coveted Earth Harp. Take this to that guy in Kalm that gave you the Underwater Materia, and he'll give you a copy of each Master Materia! Tough fight, but well worth the trouble. See below for a handy tip for beating the weapons.

At times in the game(after the Weapons have appeared), you will see a bright red head stick up out of the sand around Gold Saucer. That is Ruby Weapon. Hit him with the Highwind to start a fight. Ruby makes Emerald Weapon look like a 5 year old girl. Here's why: Ruby has two tentacles that function independantly. They like to suck away two of your party members, which leaves you screwed over with one guy for the whole fight. and don't bother atacking until Ruby sticks his tentacles in the ground, because he's invulnerable until he does. Here are his stats:

There's only one reasonable way to fight Ruby. Enter the fight(don't bother using your sneak attack+KOTR) with two characters dead. This way, you can trick Ruby into NOT sucking two of your people out of the fight. Wait until Ruby sticks his tentacles in the ground, and then cast Pheonix to bring your buddies to life(make sure the one who enters the fight alive has the Pheonix).Now, just get the same combo you used to beat Emmy going and you'll have Ruby beat in no time.

Unfortunately, you don't get as good a reward for Ruby as you did Emerald. The "Desert Rose" also goes to that guy in Kalm, but all you get is Gold Chocobo. Granted, the Gold chocobo is the best of the best, but you have to have the Gold Chocobo to get KOTR!! If anyone who reads this finds a way to beat Ruby WITHOUT getting a Gold Chocobo, then please tell me how...

Here's a quick tip to make any fight easier: When you get the W-Item Materia(Sector 8 tunnels in Midgar), you can copy items over and over for free. If you have two of any in-battle item(sorry can't duplicate sources), you can make an infinite amount of them. Here's what you do:

  1. Equip the materia to a character
  2. In a fight, select the W-Item command. Pick the item you want to duplicate(or maybe any item, I'm not sure) and select who to use it on.
  3. Pick the item again(this time it must be the one you want to duplicate), but instead of selecting who to use it on, cancel it. The quantity of that item will go up!
  4. Repeatedly select the item and cancel it and you can get infinite items! This means infinite Megalixirs for the Weapon fights(or any fight).
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