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CREATOR'S NOTE: WE'VE CHANGED OUR ALIBI!! This is mainly for you people who come here frequently. We now believe Tseng survived WITHOUT the android. Here's our proof: the pool showed a display that occured in the PAST, not the PRESENT. When you first saw him, he was wounded. But when you saw him in that pool, he was walking tall, like nothing even happened. He even somehow progressed ahead of you. Also, when you go to the room where he was attacked, did you see his dead body? These things prove our theory. The Rufus thing still remains: there was an escape pod behind his chair, and he slipped out of the room with only a few minor burns. Everybody got that?

  Hey, there. We're the Turks.
And President Rufus, too!
Oh, yeah, and FORMER President Rufus Shinra. We specialize in several things, such as kidnapping, murder, you know. We probably shouldn't be exposing these game secrets to you, but what the hey. We're bored, and we want a greater challenge. This page will make it easier for you, and harder for us. This way, we're both happy. Enjoy your stay and e-mail us if you have any questions about the game, the site, or us.

[Turk Chat]  [Strategy]  [Downloads]  [Links]  [Walkthrough]  [Information]  [Fanfiction]  [History

- Turk Chat!!!!
Come here to chat about FFVII or other RPGs. One of the Turks might be in there to give advice, too.

- Tseng's Materia Strategy
A guide on using Materia well

- Rude's Downloads
Not really helpful for gameplay; more like leisure activities or something

- Elena's Links
Yep, links. If you can't find anything here (for some reason) then you might want to check this place out.

- Reno's Walkthrough Center
We can practically beat this game for you!!

- Rufus's Info Center
All kinds of miscellanious information about FFVII

- Fanfiction
Newest section of the Hideout!!

- History
Our archive of old updates and other stuff. Newer updates are still found below.

-Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Hippy stuff, but the easiest free-webpage builder we've experienced

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Yeah, sign it, or we'll break your legs!!

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Yeah, view it, or we'll knock the snot out of ya!!

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Turks' hideout history
10-12: This isn't an update; we just found some time to give you our plans for the Hideout. Chances are good that our "mission" will end this week, so just bear with us. Now, you may have noticed that all of the images are down. We did too, and we realized that our "warehouse" of images was deleted. We can recover most on Rude's PC, but the faces are gone for good. That's okay, cause Mr. Rufus (our HTML guru) himself has given us five new pictures to use. They're not from the original Turk sketch, however. These are original renderings from him. They look good, so we think you'll be suprised when you see them. When are they coming? When we get back. Next week, expect the pictures, a moving, and a whole new site layout. Thanks to Rufus for helping us out on this. See you all in a week!

9-24: Wow, an update in the same month! Sorry again. We're in the middle of a tough mission, and we won't be able to update again until, say, the end of October. However, we've got a few suprises for you. First off, you may have noticed the new theory of Tseng's survival at the top of the page. Here's the greater new: There's a Meet the Turks section in fanfiction! We've given these personal biographies of ourselves to you due to popular demand. I'd check them out (cause everybody wants to know where Rude comes from :)).

9-2: Okay, here it is: The final boss of FFVII. His name is Sapher Sephiroth, right? Well, it's not Sephiroth. It's Sapher Rude!! Yeah, man, I'm the One Winged Angel, I'm the Haryuu no Hanekata! Hear me roar! The fanfiction section is now up, all thanks to me. Sorry if it couldn't get up earlier, but we're kinda in the middle of a mission. Also don't forget to go to Final Fantasy Online and vote the RUDE man for number one Shinra executive. I don't like being the least liked Turk, people. Get me the hell up there!

8-17: Rude: Yes, we are still alive. And it's good to see the page alive as well. We apologize greatly for not updating in almost a month now, but it was a nice summer, wasn't it? Part of the problem can be blamed on Reno (that chump!), who is busy playing Final Fantasy Tactics. Anywho, he's gotta work on the walkthrough and finish it, while I finish everything else. We'd also like to start some new sections. For instance, we're possibly going to post a message board, a poll, and that evasive fanfic section. We'll start of the latter with our own "Fanfic Guide". You see, here at the Hideout, you follow by the Turks' rules. Therefore, you play by the Turks' roleplays. Here's the low-down on what this guide is: it explains boundaries for your fanfics. Cloud CAN'T be living with Tifa and 2 children in one fanfic and be dating some other person in the other. Humorous stories will be included, though. But that's another section. I'll have it done by tomorrow (hopefully). Keep your fingers crossed, and have hope (damn that Pandora!).

7-19: Rude: Yeah, I know we suck major ass for not updating for another week. I didn't do much either; I only finished the Weapons List for all of you blokes out there.

7-9: For starters, Say Happy Anniversary to Reno and his GF if you see them! woohoo!! Anyway, we have some Walkthrough updates. It'll now take you all the way through Midgar. More stuff's a comin', so sit tight!

7-7: Sorry for the lack of updates. It can be blamed on technical difficulties. Also, I(Reno) have been at Cornerstone Music Festival in Illinios!!!! So I've been gone for awhile. I cleaned up a couple little things. Look for more updates soon!!

6-24: 1000 HITS!!!!!!!! This is great! thanks to all our readers!!! We will continue to expand our site, and provide you with the same high-quality FFVII info that you've come to expect from The Turks. Speaking of which, look for continual additions to the Walkthrough and Enemy List. Also, the Enemy Skills section is now fully up.

6-23: Reno: Fixed the broken link in the navbar. Finished the Ancient Weapon walkthrough. That's about it really.

6-22: Say hello to the Ancient Weapons! I (being Reno) still have to finish Ruby, but Emerald and Ultimate Weapons are both up, so take a look. Also we've retaken the number one slot one the Square top 100, thanks to you! Much thenks to our faithful viewers! You guys rock! We joined another top-whatever list, the Arena. Make sure and vote for us there, too!

Couple more things, look for more of the walkthrough to be up in the coming day or two, just don't expect it to be done; the enemy list will be getting additions at the same rate as walkthrough, so check it out, too. Rude should be putting up the Weapon listing here in a couple days, as well.

You are the th person to have either stumbled across this place by accident (we're gonna have to break your legs now. Sorry!) or to arrive in search of making Final Fantasy VII gameplay easier.

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