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The Forgotten Lands

Last Revised: June 01, 2003

TFL Server IP:,2593

Be sure to read the ANNOUNCEMENT Board for important messages.

TFL Weddings

TFL Picture Page

Advanced Class Requirements

Class Changes / Class Advancements

Classes with Skill Information
My thanks to Valorn for this new easier to read Skills page.

Guilds of TFL -- Past and Present

Housing and Pricing Guidelines

An Exposition on Macroing
by Carlisle


Music on these Pages

Reputation System

TFL Status Page
Find out who is currently on line.

UO Auto Map
A great tool to find out where you are and help keep track of your friends.
All you need is a sextant to calibrate it.

Battle Field Communicator
An excellent program for talking real time with your friends and guildmates while on TFL.

Check here for "Stuff" you may need.

Directory of Renaissance Faires
Check for a Renaissance Faire near you!
So much fun to eat, drink and make merrie.
Have a TFL Gathering at a Ren Fest near you!

Spend the Night in a Castle
Ravenwood Castle in New Plymouth, Ohio
A nice romantic getaway

UO Stratics Page
A lot of very helpful information, although not all of it pertains to the way TFL is run.

Ultima Online


The background music on these pages was composed by Bjorn Lynne.

Listen to Bjorn Lynne's new fantasy music album