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Team Rockets Hideout

How to win on this page!!!


This is Pokemon card game web site which will bring you all the Info you need at the time you want it. I Giovonni am the team Rocket leader and will take care of your concerns. This Hideoout is under construction so be patient.

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Tip OF The Day-Always make a deck that can cover each others weakneses. Like water and fire, phychic and fighting, electric, plant, and water are all great "killer deck" material.

Other Parts Of The Hideout

Chat-Share Your Strategy's

Killer Decks-Tell us your secrets to winning

Trade Center-You want it, we got it

Tips-Not really on a winnin' streak, come here

Price Guide-Gettin' ripped of, see here

Pic's-All the pic's and info

Rules-Don't know what your doin', come here

Pre-Made Decks-A list of all cards in the pre-made decks

Battle-Real Video's and real attacks on real battles, Whos gonna win?

The Pokemon Web Ring! Click Here!
The Pokemon Web Ring
This site owned by "Giovonni"

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Pocket Monsters!

The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Here is Slyce, My trained scyther who protects my site. Anybody who Slyce doesn't like better be wearing a thick collar or they won't have to carry anything on their necks anymore. I adopted him from:
