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The Cascades Within... 

The Playground of My Mind

.....Here you will find many poems that I thought you may enjoy... some were written by me... and some by others found on the net...  I hope you enjoy them...  I will be adding more soon...


A Beautiful Morning
Dreaming of You
Enchanted Space
Eternally Yours
     How It Must Be
     My Kingdom
    One White Rose
Once In A Lifetime
Take A Chance
The Key To My Heart
The Wish
Tiny Rosebud
           To Those I Love and Those Who Love Me
To Touch You
A Few Favorite Quotes

(This poem was forwarded to me.
  I do not know who the author is but I really liked it)

A Beautiful Morning

There must be a wonderful morning somewhere
A dawn lit by justice and judgement is fair
A place where a helping hand is held out
An ear that will listen stands poised and devout

A place you can go when your heart needs attending
A place where a spirit gets healing and mending
A place where loves fire burns bright day and night
And in from the cold you may warm by its light

There must be a wonderful evening somewhere
Where the sun finally sets on pain and despair
Where the coming of night is not filled with grief
And comforting sleep brings you joyful relief

A place where the sunset is apt to reflect
A day without malice, without disrespect
A place where the only tears shed, are for joy
And a heart is not battered and bounced like a toy

There must be a wonderful day somewhere
In a place filled with love and a great need to care
A place where the burdens of conflict are lifted
Where love is a skill and all lovers are gifted

Where daily are spoken the words that support
And every mistake is not met with retort
A place where the land has not soaked up the blood
Where honor and truth are not cast in the mud

A Place where the children are not left alone
Where Sisters and Brothers may come to atone
Where homeless and helpless don`t cower in fright
Where the hearts and the minds of the world can unite

So you set on a journey to seek out this land
With compass and map and a vision so grand
To find peace and comfort in a world thats so new
Where waters are crystal and skies are so blue

With showers that cleanse and winds that refresh
Where the spirit is fed and not just the flesh
But search as you may, what you`ll find to be true
That it can not be found, `til it`s found within you.

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Beware these visions of the future
For they sing a siren song
But there is danger in believing
you know what will go wrong
For on the ocean of your life
The rocks are hidden well
And often there are shallows
No dreamer could foretell
Thank all there is above
For the gift you have inside
But look on it with caution
And you might survive the ride

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Dreaming Of You

I lie here dreaming of you,
And of all the things that we could do.

I lie here dreaming of you,
Only missing you.

I lie here dreaming of you,
and of all the times we've spent alone.

I lie here dreaming of you,
And in you I've found a home

I lie here dreaming of you,
Wishing you were here.

I lie here dreaming of you,
Loving you so dear.

I lie here dreaming of you,
Holding you so tight.

I lie here dreaming of you,
Oh it feels so right.

I lie here dreaming of you,
And of your beautiful face.

I lie here dreaming of you,
Alone in my embrace.

I lie here dreaming of you,
As peaceful as a dove.

You're the one I'm dreaming of,
Cause you're the one I love.

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Enchanted Space

I want to fly past the heavens with you,
to soar beneath your spirited wings.
The warmth of our love surrounding us,
like a warm gentle embrace,
as we journey upward...
into our enchanted space.

The gentleness of your words,
echoing the sounds of your heartbeat.
In the stillness of my heart
and my smiles glistening like the stars in the night.
As they guide you along the path of love and light.

We walk in the stillness of our love
and search for the freedom to follow our hearts
and fulfill our destiny.
Listen to the silence... it speaks
as our hearts' words touch so deeply with happiness
as we journey upward into our enchanted space.

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Eternally Yours

The silver moon shone and the stars twinkled
And reminded us that we are little
Little in size yet large at heart
To share with friends though far apart

 Though separated by mere trees and hills
You'll never know the feelings I feel
For in the corner of my lonely soul
There shines my love so bright and bold
A love so true it shall last for eternity
For I am yours eternally

The morning dew that greets the sun
Compared to you its worth has none
For you are my angel of mercy, my angel of love
That outclasses and outshines the traditional dove

A mere whisper of your lovely voice
Gives my soul a reason to rejoice
Then all I think of is you night and day
People say I'm not okay
But who cares what they say of me
I am your's eternally

Love is all I ask from you to me
And I swear I'll be your's eternally

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I hope, I pray, await the day
I live, I breathe, for you to stay
Within my life, my heart I birth
Only to you, your love I serve.

I soar, I fly, warm tears I cry
To give to you, to self I die
Bursting forth, without reserve
Devotion, warmth, enamored love.

I walk, I run, inside my head
Each day, each night unto your bed
Forever near, forever here
Forever darling, shielding fear.

I fall, and laugh, intense embrace
And feel your kisses on my face
Your touch, your gaze further falling
Into your life, always calling.

I hope, I pray, await the day
To hear you say that you will stay
Close by, together, our hearts to brand
Lifelong, eternal, as one we stand.

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How It Must Be

I think of you and how it must be
To see you in the mist of early morning light
To watch you breathe and lightly touch your lips
To see you slowly open your eyes
To gaze into your soul as you awaken to the light
To touch your face with my fingers and lips
To kiss your neck and feel you deeply inhale
To place my gaze upon your face
To fall with you as if into space
I think of you and how it must be.

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My Kingdom

A little kingdom I possess
Where thoughts and feelings dwell,
And very hard I find the task,
Of governing it well.

For passion tempts and troubles me,
A wayward will misleads,
And selfishness its shadow casts
On all my words and deeds.
How can I learn to rule myself,
To be the child I should,
Honest and brave, nor ever tire
Of trying to be good?
How can I keep a sunny soul
To shine along life's way?
How can I tune my little heart
To sweetly sing all day?
Sweet Spirit, help me with the love
That casteth out my fear,
Teach me to lean on thee, and feel
That thou art very near,
That no temptation is unseen,
No childish grief too small,
Since thou, with patience infinite,
Dost soothe and comfort all.
I do not ask for any crown
But that which all may win,
Not seek to conquer any world
Except the one within,
Be thou my guide until I find,
Led by a tender hand,
Thy happy kingdom in myself,
And dare to take command.

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Alone always...
Without you.
Feeding my empty soul
with memories....
Thoughts are my food
filling me and leaving me empty.
longings fed with pretty words
help me get by.
Images of what might be...
what could be... must be?
I have to believe...
Are these dreams?
The pain in my heart,
so real!
The need is pain.
Reaching, hoping, looking...
for my love.

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One White Rose

My love is neither transient
Nor temporary
It endures
No matter the distance that may seperate us
Or the circumstances that may hold us apart
No matter that you return not my love
It endures
A part of my soul walks with yours

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Once In A Lifetime

Once in a lifetime...
someone comes along...
that warms your very soul...
like the mid summer sun's rays
upon your skin...

Once in a lifetime...
you meet another...
whose touch you desire more...
than the very air
that you breathe...

Once in a lifetime...
a single solitary moment...
can change the direction
you know your life must take...

You stop...
You pause...
You ponder...
And then you smile...

For you know that this can only happen...
Once in a lifetime...

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A part of me died last night,
an innocence of mind lost,
gone forever.
I contemplate life thru
tears and more tears.
So many tears of pain
I’ve never felt them
in this way before.
I will have to find the
this pile of tattered
pain to overcome
and shadow the
I don’t know which
hurt more…
your blinding words…
or your silence for
so long.
Silence that also
hurt, as I
could feel the lack
of you then, not
knowing what
was wrong.
Now I know…

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It rained heavily last night.
Through my window
I saw tiny raindrops
falling in a rhythmical order
but the melodious music was missing.
I felt those tiny raindrops
injuring the night.
Even sensed the pain.
But simply stood there as a passive observer.
It was hard to decipher
Who's mourning what?
The cloud or the night.
Probably the cloud only
as the night never had a medium to express herself.
Except for the darkness.
But on the name of expression
I saw the cloud lacerating itself.
And why does it happen?
The night has to carry the burden
of the cloud's lacerations.
Perhaps, the cloud is too weak
to carry its own burdens.
Or the night never had the courage to revolt...
What I don’t understand is
Why I didn’t go out ?
Enjoy the shower of rain (as I used to )
due to fear of getting wet,
getting injured or getting lacerated.
With my fears, the night grew pale.
And while on stepping on the dawns edge
I noticed,
the rainy rhythm
had left some noticeable huge scars
on the night's face.
It must be paining (I thought)
Then I took a deep sigh
"Thank God  ! I'm saved "
but in no time I realized
I was all wet .
Water was oozing out of my wounds.
And it was difficult
to hold myself together.
Last night,
It must have rained heavily inside as well.

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So many things
So many fleeting moments
Gone now
Forever etched in time
If only we could have those moments
Just once more
If only we had known
But no...
Those moments
stand forever etched in time

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All alone she sits in silence
listening to the beat of her heart...

boom boom...... boom boom....... boom boom.....

Is it the sound of love that beats
or is it the sound of silence echoing through the emptiness
of a shattered heart

boom boom.... boom boom.... boom boom.....

Is it the sound of life that resonates from within
of simply a sustainment in cosmic space

boom boom.... boom boom.... boom boom

Is it the rhythm of promises for tomorrow
or just a reminder of what could have been?

boom boom.... boom boom... boom boom...

Alone she sits.....

 boom boom.... boom boom... boom boom....


       ..... silence.

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Take a Chance

A chance encounter of the best kind -
A meeting arranged by fate -
Two souls have come together
Two hearts can now relate.
Exploring has uncovered
A tender love sublime,
Whose roots are strong and deep,
To withstand the test of time.
This much, I know within my heart,
That you are meant for me;
To share with me the joys of life;
Throughout eternity.
So now, I ask with an open heart
Barring my soul to thee;
Will you, my soulmate
Take a chance and be with me?

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The Key To My Heart

I closed the door upon my heart and wouldn't let anyone in
I'd trusted and loved only to be hurt; that would never happen again

I locked the door and threw the key as far and as hard as I could
love would never enter again; my heart was closed for good

Then you came into my life and made me change my mind
just when I thought that little key was impossible to find

That's when you held out your hand and proved that I was wrong
on your palm was the key to my heart; you had it all along.

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The Wish

In all my dreams, could never have imagined
You are an angel from above
You mean the World to me
I often feel that I do not deserve you

My heart is ever happy, the future bright
My only hope, My only Wish
Is that one day, you will truly know
That I love you with all my heart and soul

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Tiny Rosebud

It is a tiny rosebud
A flower of my own design
But how can I unfold the petals
of this life of mine?

The mystery of the petals
never has been told
It will take someone special
to help me unfold the rose.

My Love, you are that special person
And our love is meant to be
So, Darling it is you
Who must unfold the rose for me.

And when you unfold the petals
And the bud is all you see
That bud is my heart
And it belongs to you
Throughout Eternity..........

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To Those I Love and
         Those Who Love Me

When I am gone, release me, let me go.
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears,
Be happy that we had so many years.

I gave you my love, you can only guess
How much you gave me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you each have shown
But now it’s time I traveled on alone.

So grieve awhile for if grieve you must.
Then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It’s only for a while that we must part
So bless the memories within your heart

I won’t be far away, for life goes on
So if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can’t see or touch me, I’ll be near
All my love around you soft and clear.

And then, when you must come this way alone
I’ll greet you, with a smile, and say,
"Welcome Home."

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To Touch You

To hold you in my arms and hear the beat of your heart
To behold your beauty and see in your eyes the light
Of all within your soul, the depth, the breadth of your emotion
As it moves to engulf us both in the dance of the heart.

To lightly touch your silky skin and feel the heat arise
Into my fingers coursing through ‘til it reaches deep inside
My lips brush yours when we embrace our passions rise
And fall headlong into night touching loving even tears abide.

What have we found when we explore
What have we done to open the door
Of what we’ve hidden and were afraid to share
Of what has hurt so before our hearts to tear.

Our hearts laugh so much
Our hearts beat as one
For us love has already won
When you and I touch.

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Believe in magic and life will be magical...
Believe in miracles and life will be miraculous...
Believe in nothing and life will be empty.

You are unique.
Your path is unlike any other path in the Universe.
Do not copy others.
They can only do what is right for them.
Their lives serve as an example to learn from, but not to mirror.
Think for yourself.
Follow your heart; and make your life an example -- so others can
see one more road that can be walked in this world.

When emotions control our lives we are slaves...
When thoughts control our lives we are students...
When Spirit control our lives we are masters.

When we share joy and happiness, we give two of
the most powerful healing medicines in the world.

Love does not bind with chains and demands.
Love gives the soul wings.
Love teaches freedom and happiness and gives inner peace.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others stay for a while and leave footprints on our heart...
and we are never ever the same.

One finds love not by being loved, but by loving.
We can never know love if we try to draw others to ourselves;
Nor can we find it by centering our love in them.
For love is infinite; it is never ours to create.
We can only channel it from its source to all whom we meet.

"We are bound by one thread - Our humanity. If we would but put our differences aside, and weave the cloth of our fate with that one thread, there would be no more differences between us"
Bertrice Small

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