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Astral Projection is natural and happens spontaneously more often than you think.
The conscious mind is aware of what goes on, but from a different perspective than that of the Physical body.
 What is astral projection?
 Is astral projection dangerous?
 Trance state vs. Dream state
 How to astral project
 Now what?


Astral projection is an altered state of consciousness… a state of consciousness that is NOT our normal waking state of consciousness.  Dreaming is an altered state of consciousness and dreaming and astral projection are very closely related.  Astral projection is the projection of one’s self to the astral plane.  The universe is a series of planes of matter and the physical plane we now exist in is only one of the planes.  With astral projection you can transfer your consciousness to the astral body and explore the astral plane.  There is not any particular creed you need to follow in projecting.  The great thing about astral projecting is that you will find out exactly what you need to grow.  You are unique, your needs are unique and so are your projections.  The messages they will contain will be what you need at whatever stage you are at in your life.  Just relax and have fun.


Astral projection is only dangerous if you are ignorant about what is going on.  Astral projection takes you into realms where the subjective becomes "REAL."  All of your ideas, fears, and fantasies become real things outside of you when you project.   There are times when you astral project that you will confront "yourself."  For example, if you have a phobia you may confront this fear as an object or a being during astral projection.  This can become very scary if you are not aware of what it is.  Many times when you first begin to project, the first things you will encounter will be things of your own creation.  These negative elements of your personality are YOU and there is nothing to be afraid of.  You can banish them simply by understanding them for what they are.

Some people fear that while their astral bodies are off traveling , an evil entity of some sort will take possession of their bodies, and when the astral body returns, it will find that its "home" has been occupied in its absence.  Every night many thousands of people leave their bodies while sleeping and there is no reason to believe these people are taken over and are endangered in any way.


Going into a projection through a trance is much more direct that going into a projection through a dream.  Your consciousness remains intact as you cross the border into the planes.  You will have the sensation of "leaving your body" and will be aware of taking your waking consciousness into the "dream world."


Put yourself into a trance.   Everyone has there own methods so use whatever works best for you.  The important thing is to stay alert.  If you have trouble doing this you can try to meditate with your upper arm laying against the bed and your forearm extended up.  If you begin to doze off your arm will begin to fall and wake you.  It may sound funny but it works.

When I go into trance I close my eyes and look into the darkness behind my closed eyes.  I encircle myself with white light and begin with a prayer.  The prayer generally asks for protection and guidance and states my intent in astral projection.  At the same time I begin to relax myself.  I start with the feet and work up.  It is important that you remain ALERT and AWARE.  As you continue to relax you may feel your body become heavy.  This is normal.  Relax deeper and deeper, staying aware and telling yourself that you are going to project.  Intent is important.

While staring at the "blackness" behind your eyes patterns or lights may begin to form.  These are the ideoretinal lights or hypnogogic imagery and is considered the doorway to astral projection.  Not everyone will experience this but if you do it is normal.  They are sometimes seen as lights or as images or as color patterns.  Some have even experienced them as smells or sounds.

Be aware of the sensations of your body during trance.  As your trance deepens your body sensations change.  This is how you know you are ready to leave your body.  Your skin may tingle, you may feel like you are vibrating, you may feel really heavy and relaxed then suddenly feel light.  Have you ever been sleeping and feel yourself slip like you are falling and it suddenly startles you awake?  This is what it feels like when you leave your body.  As you begin to feel lighter, or like you are floating or slipping do not be alarmed.  Go with it.  You are leaving your body.  You may sometimes hear sounds.  I sometimes hear a "buzzing" or "vibration" sound.  I have heard of others hearing a "whooshing" sound.  This too is normal.

Many times you will just leave your body.  If you are feeling your body sensations change but aren’t sure… try to separate.  Focus on where your arm is and try lifting it out.  The intent is the key.

Some people like to use a method where they create an astral body.  I personally don’t use this method.  In creating an astral body you focus your energy to the solar plexus area.  From this area you project a cloud or a mist and visually form it to your astral body.  This works in the same manner as lifting out, you just lift out of a focused energy center.  It is a matter of preference.  Try both and see what works best for you.

So, to summarize:

1.  Lie down in a comfortable place with intent to project.
2.  Allow yourself to relax deeply into trance while keeping your mind focused on being self aware.
3.  Stare into the darkness behind your closed eyes and wait for images to appear.
4.  Expect the following to occur:
a.  Your body will feel heavier as trance deepens.
b.  Your body sensations will change.  (tingles, chills, feeling of slipping or floating)
c.  Recognition that you can push out of your body.


Now that you are out of your body you may find yourself in a darkness known as the void.  You can stay here and just relax or you can project or "fly" somewhere else.  Or you may skip the void all together and find yourself somewhere else.

Try looking at your hands.  Don’t be alarmed if you don’t see anything.  They will appear.  You cause your scene to materialize around you.  To move all you have to do is "will" it.

To the astral traveler even the physical world may look unimaginably different.  The astral eye is sharper than the physical eye.  Through it light is brighter, color is deeper,  and auras and energies around living things are visible.  Much of the fun of astral travel is that you are free from the constraints of biology, gravity, distance, and time.  Your astral body can be "light" and move through walls and other objects or your astral body can be "heavy" and you can feel or touch objects and even move them.  Sometimes the "heavy" body is visible.  Others may see an image or a "ghost."  The "heavy" body is often used in astral healing.  You can visit the Akashic Records, visit a friend, it is even possible to enter another’s dream.  You can meet other astral traveler’s on the astral plane, meet guides,  even have an astral romance!  The possibilities are limitless.  Explore and enjoy!

There is so much information on astral travel that it is almost impossible for me to discuss every aspect.  If you are having trouble astral traveling with this technique try other techniques.   The technique I use was one suggested by Robert Bruce.  The Monroe technique is another simple method and has worked for many.  Also, if you would like more information on astral traveling and the dimensions, visit the SpiritWeb where you will find a large amount of information on the subject.

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