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Hausholter to Householder -- The Journey

With other related Surnames


My journey into the past started a few months after my oldest grandchild was born. One day while holding her, I was telling her some of the stories I had been told as a small girl. I got to wondering who would be there to tell other granchildren and great-grandchildren those same stories. So I decided to write some of them down and keep them for future generations.

Now to some that would be the end of it, but not so for me. As I was getting one of the stories from my dad, he said, "Well, you know Uncle Arthur's boy.......". I sat there thinking, "I might know Uncle Arthur's boy if I could place just who Uncle Arthur was!" So I decided if I didn't know who Uncle Arthur was, how would future generations know who he was? And so began my journey into the past.

I'm in the process of changing as many of the pages here as I can, I am hoping to put in some of the stories that I have heard, trust me some are not for the repeating! I am also hoping to get some of the recipes from our different ancestors to put on a recipe page, so if you have a favorite recipe or two please contribute it to our family recipe page. If you have stories that you would like put on the pages for others to read please send them along to be included. I don't want just the statistics of who our family was, I would like to bring them alive for our children. Do you have pictures that you would like to share? If so please either email them to me to include here or email me for my snail mail address and send me copies. I don't have many pictures of my paternal grandparents so if anyone out there has any pictures of Elbert Lee (Jack) Householder or his wife Flossie Laurenia (Martin) (Gruggett) Householder, please let me know.

I hope you enjoy your stroll through our family. Hopefully, I will also be adding more pages of information soon.

Our Family Websites

The Beginning
Johan Adam
Johannes George
Family Pictures
Obituaries Misc. Obituaries
Some Links To Check Out
Andrew James Householder
Who do you descend from?

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March 26, 2002

I would like to say here and now, in no way do I say that all of the information on this page is the gospel. What I am intending to do is supply you with some help in finding your ancestors. I strongly recommend that before you apply this information to your tree contact me to see if I have a source for the information you are interested in, I will supply all of my sources to you. You can then recheck them or not at your own discretion.