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The 'Naked Ladies are one of the best bands in the world!!! They are one of the most popular unknown bands to ever walk the face of the Earth. Steven, Jim, Andy, Tyler and Ed released their first album "Gordon" in 1992. They then released a number of other successful albums, which I will tell you about later. Andy Creeggan (Jim's Brother) left the band, and in 1996, the very talented Kevin Hearn joined the band, to create two of the best albums in the world, Rock Spectacle and Stunt. The band was originally formed in 1988, by Steven and Ed; who were former school friends, and it then went on to all five of them creating their now classic debut album Gordon. I have been a fan since 1994 when I heard Shoebox, I live in England and I is hard to get their albums over here, but I have managed to get all of their albums but one..........Maybe you Should Drive. I will get it very soon without further ado, here is my shrine to the Barenaked Ladies!....OH PLEASE SIGN MY BUCKNAKED BOOK!

The 'Naked Albums......Gordon-This topped the Canadian Charts for 8 straight weeks!!!!......Maybe You Should Drive......Shoe Box E.P.-Very good multimedia......Born on a Pirate Ship......Rock Spectacle-One word.. LIVE!!......and their latest, Stunt.
Go over to the Bryant St.
Theatre for some lyrics

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Other Ladies Pages

A Barenaked Biography
'Flaming' Jim's Bio
Steven 'The Sword Swallower' Page's Bio
The Bio of the Bearded Ladie 'Ed'
Tyler The Strong Man Bio
Mr. Hearn The New Guy! Bio
Bryant St. Links
Barenaked F.A.Q.'s (Barenaked Heaven)
The Old Apartment(A BNL Discography)


"It'll still be to day to we say were sorry, It'll still be to day to we say were sorry,It'll still be two days till we say WASABE!!!"

Now Many of you may already know that it says "WASABE", but many of you have put "We're sorry", when writing the lyrics on your pages instead. I know it says "we're sorry in the album booklet, but I assure you it's "wasabe" and if you listen you can hear Ed say that. I'm sorry to all of you That know this already but I needed to make myself heard!

I Now have my own Barenaked ladies, Email Service, if you would like to join, click on the button below, this will take you to, where you have to fill out a form to join. I hope to see you there, and hope that this service will become very sucessful.
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