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To ensure the happiness of both Buyer and Cat, this kitten is presented under the following terms of this Agreement. The Buyer, by signing below, agrees that all terms shall be binding.

1. PRICE: The purchase price for this kitten is $____ (prices start at $450). Payment must be made in full before Buyer receives kitten.

2. Seller certifies this kitten to be in good health as of the date of sale. A separate Health Record will be provided to the Buyer indicating shot record, etc. During the 72 hour period (excluding Sundays and Holidays) immediately following receipt of this kitten, Buyer is urged to have the kitten examined by a licensed veterinarian at Buyer’s expense. Seller must be contacted immediately (within this 72-hour period) should any illness be detected. Return of this kitten for reasons of ill health must be accompanied by verification from the examining veterinarian as evidence of illness.

3. This kitten can be returned pre-paid to Seller anytime within 72 hours (excluding Sundays and Holidays) from the time of receipt. Buyer shall assume full responsibility for the health, anatomical make-up, appearance, and temperament of this kitten during said 72-hour period. If the condition of the kitten has changed in any of the categories mentioned in the previous sentence, the Seller is relieved of the obligation to return the full amount of the purchase price; otherwise, the full purchase price will be refunded within two weeks. Any claim of change in the animal by the Seller must be communicated to the Buyer within three (3) days.

4. Adequate indoor facilities and toys will be provided and this kitten will not be allowed outdoors. This kitten will receive frequent and kind human attention. Buyer agrees to make this kitten’s life as stress-free as possible. Fresh water will be available at all times. Buyer agrees that this kitten will receive prompt medical care by a licensed veterinarian when its health is in question. If this kitten is found to be neglected or in ill health for an unreasonable period of time (to be determined by Seller), Buyer will surrender this kitten to Seller unconditionally and at Buyer’s expense.

5. If there are other cats living in the household, Seller will NOT be responsible for any disease that the other cats may be carriers for, such as FIP, FIV, Fel-V, and URI.

6. This kitten will not be declawed without Seller’s expressed written permission.

7. Buyer agrees that this kitten will not ever be bred and that it will be altered by 8 months of age. Upon receipt of a licensed veterinarian’s written confirmation showing that spay/neuter has been performed, the kitten’s registration papers will be forwarded to Buyer. If written notification is not received within this time frame, Buyer immediately becomes liable for the breach of contract penalty (See #13) and must also immediately alter the kitten or return it to Seller.

8. Buyer agrees that this kitten will not be shown in any competition without the expressed written permission of Seller.

9. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to train the kitten to behave in a manner acceptable to Buyer. Seller shall in no way be obligated to make a refund or adjustment of the purchase price under any circumstances due to the kitten’s personality or temperament after the initial 72 hour acceptance period.

10. Buyer agrees to immediately notify Seller of any change of address or phone number, or in the event that the kitten becomes lost or dies.

11. Under no circumstances will Buyer sell, lease, trade, give away, or otherwise transfer the possession or care of this kitten to another party without the expressed written permission of Seller. This kitten will NEVER be sold, leased, or given to any pet store, shelter or pound, research facility, or any similar facility NOR WILL IT BE ABANDONED.

12. If for any reason Buyer becomes unable or unwilling to keep the kitten, or is unable or unwilling to continue to provide the kitten with proper food, shelter, and medical attention, Buyer agrees to return the kitten to Seller, at Buyer’s expense and with no reimbursement or refund to Buyer. Kitten must be accompanied by a current health certificate from a licensed veterinarian. Buyer will also pay any applicable shipping costs incurred in returning kitten to Seller.

13. Seller reserves the right to repossess said kitten in the event of failure or refusal of the Buyer to comply with the terms of this Agreement. In addition, breach of contract penalty is $500 per item, PLUS $1,500 in punitive damages. Buyer will be liable for any court costs and related charges, including attorney’s fees, associated with Seller enforcing the terms of this contract.

14. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the Laws of the State of Illinois, and all obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in the County of Cook, State of Illinois.

15. This writing constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.

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