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Jenny and Ramey's ANTI-Chainletter Page...

Why Chainletters Suck...

Okay, everyone here hates them, I haven't met one person in this whole wide world who has actually enjoyed recieving a chain letter... that's not saying there aren't those wacko's out there. LOL. Well, one question, if everyone hates them, nobody likes them, then why do your friends send you these stupid emails about "if you don't send this on, thousands of kids will die in Jwoeiudks and you will lead of life with no love, and your kids will have arms sticking out of their heads"??? I just don't understand. Don't tell me people actually believe that... cuz i know people can be a little more brighter than that. America is just full of a ton shining stars... huh! Now, I personally like getting the funny chainletters, those are okay... I mean those are actually appealing to read. So I only send the funny ones on to my friends... and they only send the funny ones to me. It's kind of a chainletter pinky-swear... we won't put each other through the pain, isn't that what real friends are for??? lol. Wow. Well if you are totally tired of getting chainletters, email me cuz I have the perfect email to send them... it's hilarious. Well this is it... WE OUT!!!

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