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Amethyst's Amy Brown Site

Welcome to my page dedicated to one of my fave fantasy artists, Amy Brown. I just love Ms. Brown's Fae artwork, and so what is a fae website without a page focusing solely on a fae artist? I'm afraid that I won't have much, but plenty for any fan like myself. Below you'll find a little info about Amy and then several pieces of her artwork. Each of the images are linkable to the larger version, so simply click to see the larger version, they will open in a new window.

First, a little info about Ms. Amy Brown: Pacific Northwest artist, Amy Brown was born in Bellingham, Washington in 1972. As a child she spent countless hours drawing faery princesses (and occasionally hotrods with her younger brother) at an old, dark wood table in the living room of the beach cabin her parents rented. At an early age she was introduced to the faery paintings of Brian Froud and Alan Lee, and was absolutely absorbed in the magic of the work. This was the seed that ultimately sprouted into her love for the Fae.

To learn more about Amy, her career and to see her much more of her artwork, you can follow this link to her website:

Amy Brown

And now some of Amy Brown's artwork:

Ariana      Autumn Queen     Ivy Sprite

Magnolia      Pixie Pair     Poppy Princess      Readyfor Rain     Something Wild

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