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Satellite and Aerial Images of Mid Calder

Here is a photo of Mid Calder and Livingston taken by a satellite. If you can locate the field near the centre with what looks like a large 'C' eaten out of it then go directly South of that you see a long lighter strip, then that is Wallace Mill Gardens (where we live).


Mid Calder is a conservation village that has grown out of all recognition over the last 20 years with a huge residential growth.(1981 Census had 1,500 inhabitants which had increased to 3,500 by 1991 - although not increased much more since then!) It has a long history and the present Kirk of Calder was built in the 16th Century having been founded in the 12th Century. (Refer to link to the Church web page below - Neill (McLeman) as part of his higher computing project set up a Web site for the church - so please visit and see how well he did!).Kirk of Calder'

Its larger neighbour Livingston (which directly bounds Mid Calder on two sides N & E) is one of Scotland's five 'New Towns' started in the 60's. It is now a thriving residential and retail modern town with an industrial and manufacturing base mainly in electronics and computing, with companies such as Cadence, Motorola and NEC - It is the very 'heart' of 'Silicon Glen'.

Being only 12 miles from Edinburgh and 40 miles from Glasgow, Mid Calder is within easy striking distance of both of Scotland's major cities.

The Satellite image may be viewed better directly from the 'Microsoft Terraserver' site. Satellite Image This is a zoomed in closer view and you will need a 'Java enabled browser' such as IE4 or Netscape 4 to see it - however from this page you can generally go on to view almost anywhere in the world!!!)

The aerial photo (left) of Wallace Mill Gardens (looking West) shows the estate which was built around the late 1980's on the site of the old mill beside the river Almond (which later flows into the Forth estuary at Cramond).

The clump of trees to the left (South) is Cunnigar Hill the place the 'Last Witch in Scotland' (Lizzie Brice) was burned at the stake and thrown in the river!

To the West across the bridge is a public park which also is the home of Livingston Rugby Club.    To the East is the Almondell and Calderwood country Park    


- So you can see we are spoiled for places to walk the dog !!!


Andrew Ruth and Gini         Ewan                              Neill                             Home



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