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About Me

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Steven J. Drahozal

I am a 28 year old adoptee from Iowa. I still live in the same county I was born, adopted and raised in.  I have earned a B.A. in Religion with an emphasis on the Bible and Its Contents, with honors from the Univeristy of Iowa (1995) and am a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) candidate at the University of Iowa College of Law.

I have known my entire life that I was adopted and have always manifested a curiousity about my biological family.  My search in earnest began in early 2000 as I was writing a paper for an adoption law seminar.  The paper examines the history of sealed records and argues that sociological, historical and legal evidence all point to unsealing the records to adult adoptees. Portions of this paper have been incorporated into this page.

I am currently petitioning the court to open my record and intend to lobby the Iowa General Assembly to change the law.

I am also a huge blues fan, enjoy writing, playing the guitar and spending time with my two children.  If you are interested in writing any of my sundry writings or learning more about me, feel free to visit Jurist's Homepage.

Why Iowa Needs Adoption Reform Legal Information
Open Records Myths My Petition to Unseal My Records
My Story The National Council for Adoption on Open Records
Adoption Resources Online Valuable Books
Journal and Scholarly Articles About Me
History of Sealed Records Right Not Reunion