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Journal & Scholarly Articles


Melissa Arndt, Severed Roots: The Sealed Adoption Records Controversy, 6 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 103 (1986).

Paula K. Bebensee, In the Best Interests of Children and Adoptive Parents: The Need for Disclosure, 78 Iowa Law Review 397 (1993).

Audra Behne, Balancing the Adoption Triangle: The State, The Adoptive Parents, and the Birth Parents – Where does the Adoptee Fit in?, 15 In the Public Interest 49 (1996-1997).

Marci J. Blank, Adoption Nightmares Prompt Judicial Recognition of the Tort of Wrongful Adoption:Will New York Follow Suit?, 15 Cardozo Law Review 1687 (1994).

Carol Chumney, Tennessee’s New Adoption Contact Veto Is Cold Comfort to Birth Parents, 27 U. Memhis Law Review 843 (1997).

Flango & Flango, National Center for Court Statistics, How Many Children Were Adopted in 1992, 74 Child Welfare 1018 (1995).

Eric Heyden, Seal of Sorrow, 9 Human rights no. 3, 28 (Summer 1981).

Ronald J. Lajoie, Access to Birth Records: An Adult Adoptee’s Psychological Need and Constitutional Right, 21:3 New Hampshire Bar Journal 103 (1980).

Robert McClory, Who Am I?, 10 Student Lawyer no. 5, January 1982, 10.

Claudine R. Weiss, The Fear of Opening Pandora’s Box: The Need to Restore Birth Parents’ Privacy Rights in the Adoption Process, 28 SouthwesternUniversity Law Review 133 (1998).

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