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Can you stand the heat?

One thing to remember, in the Japanese language, there is no leter R. That's why Kulilin(japanese) is translated to Kuririn or Krillin(english) and Buruma(japanese) is translated to Buluma or Bulma(english).

Android 20:
Otherwise known as Dr. Gero, he is they creator of all the androids. He first appeared with #19 in a city. There he injured Yamcha by shoving his hand right through his body. Then he flew to some fighting grounds and watched #19 get defeated by super saiyan Vegeta. After that he fought with Piccolo but got his arm right arm chopped off and his ass kicked. So he flew away and released #17 and #18. But #17 and #18 killed him.
Other Spellings/Name: Dr. Gero
Death(s): Killed by #17

Android 19:
Even though this guy is powerful, he looks like a fat impersonation of Chaozu. He went with #20 to a city and basically destroyed it. Then he flew to some kind of battle ground. He fought with super saiyan Goku and wasn't doing too bad, then luckily for him Goku had a heart attack and Yamcha flew him home to recieve treatment. Then he fought against super saiyan Vegeta (1st time ssjvegeta) and died.
Death(s): Killed by Super Saiyan Vejita with the Big Bang Attack

Android 18:
She was realeased by Dr. Gero along with her brother #17. She and her brother killed Dr. Gero. She fought against Vegeta and the earth warriors but in the end she sided with them when Cell arose. Krillin wished a self-destruct bomb in her head away and after that she married Krillin. They had a daughter named Marron.
Japanese Name: Juuhachi-Gou
Death(s): None. But she got absorbed by Cell.

Android 17:
The brother of #18, they killed Dr. Gero. He looks exactly like #18 only he is a boy and he has black hair with a red bandanna hung around his neck. He too fought the Z warriors. He ended up getting absorbed by Cell which was half of what Cell needed to become Perfect Cell.
Death(s): Killed/absorbed by Cell(wished back to life by Krillin)

Android 16:
This android was programmed to kill Goku too. But when Cell arose, he fought alongside the z fighters. He fought in the cell game but was absorbed by Cell and that was the last anyone ever heard of him.
Death(s): Killed by Cell

Goku's dad. He was a low rank soldier in the saiyan army but was killed when Freeza destroyed Planet Vegeta. He invented the Artificial Moon that could turn any saiyan with a tail into a oozaru(were-monkey). He isn't heard of much in dbz.
Death(s): Killed by Frieza

This is Mr. Satan's dog. Don't really know much about him but I do know that Mr. Buu is really close to him and when someone killed Bee, Mr. Buu goes whack and separates himself into Good and Bad Buu.
Death(s): Killed by a sniper

She was an original character of dragonball. She goes with Gohan and Krillin to planet namek to get a wish from the namekian dragonballs. She ends up being a pain in the neck always screaming and ordering Gohan and Krillin around. She ends up marrying Vegeta and having a son with him called Trunks.
Japanese Name: Buruma
Death(s): None

He is a member of the Ginyu Force. He is blue with a lizardlike voice and face. He is really fast. He watched Guldo die at the hands of Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin. And watched alongside Jace as Goku killed Racoom. He and Jace tried to battle but were unsuccessful. Goku koed him easily and then Vegeta finished him off.
Japanese Name: Baata
Death(s): Defeated by Goku, killed by Vejita

Buu is a mystical being. He was sealed up long ago where he could not escape. Someone with alot of energy could let him out, but there was no such person. So Babidi and Bibidi stole energy from many people, Gohan and Vegeta included. And when they had enough energy, they released Buu. Buu caused havoc on earth and fought the Z fighters. He defeated everyone except Goku. But Goku could not defeat Buu himself so Vegeta was granted life to help Goku out. So while Vegeta distracted Buu in fighting, Goku gathered a super super spirit bomb and nailed Buu with it, Buu was killed. After his death, Buu is reincarnated to become Ubuu or rather Mr. Buu, who was a good person and was good friends with Mr. Satan.
Death(s): Killed by Goku's super spirit bomb with the help of Vejita(and Mr. Satan)

Cell is an Android that was made by Dr. Gero. He was made from the cells of the Z warriors. He was quite a challenge. He came to earth and fought the androids and the Z warriors. He managed to absorb #17 and #18 which made him into Perfect Cell, who was more powerful and better looking. Then he fought the Z warriors and defeated all the fighters when he released his Cell Jr.s, who were mini replica's of himself, or rather his babies. Gohan was the only one that survived the onslaught. After seeing Trunks died, that was too much for Gohan and he turned SSJ2 and killed Cell for good.
Japanese Name: Seru(I think)
Death(s): Killed by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan's Kamehameha

Chao-zu is a small white dwarf who is the companion of Tenshinhan. He looks like a porsalin doll, he was the second to die in the fight against Napa. He can talk with Tien telepathically and is pretty strong for a small guy like himself.
Other Spellings: Chaotzu
Death(s): Self-destructed on Napa

Goku's wife. She is always worried about Gohan's wellbeing. She always wants him to study instead of fighting like his dad. She asked Goku if he would marry her and because Goku didn't understand, he thought Chichi was going to make him dinner and agreed.
Death(s): None

Another one of Freeza's top henchmen. He is pink and pudgy and looks like a big pink blowfish. He killed 3 nameks really easy and nearly got to Krillin, Gohan, and Dende. But he died at the hands of Vegeta.
Other Spellings: Dodoria
Death(s): Killed by Vejita

A young namek who is rescued by Krillin and Gohan. He leads them to Guru so they can get a dragonball and awaken their hidden powers. He also became the next Kame-Samma after the previous kami merged with piccolo. He was given the power to heal by Guru.
Death(s): Killed by Frieza

A very very powerful enemy of Goku & Vegeta. He plans to find all the seven dragonballs on the planet namek and become the most powerful person in the universe. He has 4 forms that allow him to grow stronger. He was killed by Goku for the first time after Goku turned Super Saiyen for the first time. But then, his father found him floating in space and reconstructed him to become half android. He returned to earth to take revenge but was killed by Future Trunks who had come from the future to save Goku from a heart desease.
Other Spellings: Frieza, Freiza
Death(s): "Killed" by Goku on Namek. Came back as a half-android and was killed by Super Saiyan Trunks.

Garlick Junior:
Garlick Jr. is a little green guy that looks like a namek. His father came to earth a long time ago wanting to be Kami, but he was denied it. So Garlick Jr. wanted some revenge and attacked Kami's lookout. He and his henchmen got control of Kami's lookout and made nearly every person on earth evil. But thanks to Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo, he got sealed in the deadzone for eternity.
Death(s): Never really killed, but got sucked into the deadzone twice.

The leader of the Ginyu Force and the most powerful. He has the ability to switch bodies with people. He injured himself by punching a hole in his chest and then he changed bodies with Goku. but when he tried it again, he changed bodies with a frog and was squashed.
Other Spellings: Ginew
Death(s): No deaths, but in the end became a frog.

Pronounced as Gojita, Gogeta is a fused being, meaning he is formed when two fighters form together to become one. Gogeta is the fusion character of Goku and Vegeta hence the name Gogeta. The fusion only lasts for 30 mins since it does not use pottari earings.
Other Spellings: Gojita
Death(s): None

Gohan is the first son of Goku and Chichi. He is half-saiyan and the brother of Goten. He showed early signs of great power at the age of 5 when he headbutted Raditz in the chest and broke his armor, his power level was around 1200. After his dad died in that battle, Piccolo trained him in the wilderness because they found out that 2 powerful saiyans would be arriving in a year. He didn't make much of a difference in that fight cause he chickened out a couple of times. Piccolo saved Gohan's life by sacrifycing his own and started a long friendship. He then traveled to namek with Krillin and Bulma so they could get the namekian dragonballs and wish his new friend Piccolo back to life. There he got his hidden powers awakened by the eldest namek, Guru. His power level increased alot. He fought Guldo and the Ginyu Force and showed great courage. He fought against Freeza and showed gave them some hope of beating him. But freeza beat him down. Thanks to Dende's healing power, he got back full health. He also managed to save Piccolo's life once in the android saga against #20. He goes on to becoming the Saiyan Man and starts saving people (somewhat like superman) but he blows his cover when he turns super saiyan. He also killed Cell and Cell Jr.s when he became the first to turn Super Saiyan 2.
Other Spellings/Names: Son Gohan
Death(s): Killed by #17 in the alternate timeline.

Goku is a saiyan from Planet Vegeta. His saiyan name is Kakarot. He was sent to earth to destroy it. He was found in his space pod by Grandpa Gohan(not to be confused with his son). He was a crazy kid as all saiyans are. But after suffering a head injury falling down a ravine, he became purely good. He acidentally killed Grandpa Gohan when he went oozaru. He met up with Bulma and they became good friends. In dbz, his first fight is with his own brother, Raditz. He ends up sacrificing his life so Raditz can be killed which both of them die by Piccolo's special beam cannon. After dying, he traveled snakeway and trained with King Kai, increasing his powerlevel and learning the kaioken attack along with the spirit bomb. Then he was wished back to life and he fought Napa. He killed Napa easily. Then he fought Vegeta and thanks to the help of Gohan, Krillin, and probably Yajerobi, he defeated Vegeta. Then he traveled to namek and fought the Ginyu Force. He suffered serious injuries in defeating the Ginyu Force so Vegeta put him in a healing tank and he got healed. Then he fought Freeza and after seeing his best friend Krillin die, that was the last button Freeza had pushed. He turned Super Saiyan and whooped Freeza. In the beginning of the android saga, he fights #19 but gets a heart attack so he is taken home. I don't know much yet cause I haven't seen that far. But in the Buu Saga, he makes a super spirit bomb and killed the all powerful Majin Buu.
Other Spellings: Gokou, Gokuu, Son Goku/Gokou/Gokuu
Death(s): Killed by Piccolo's makensappou in the fight against Raditz. Killed by Cell when Cell self-destructed.

This is Goku's second son. He is best friends with Chibi Trunks. He learned to go Super Saiyan at an early age(around 7years old). He gets in alot of trouble because of Chibi Trunks who is a trouble maker thanks to his fathers genes. He first appeared in the Buu saga, Gohan trained him how to fly and fight. He can fuse with Trunks to become Gotenks.
Death(s): None

Gotenks is a fused being, meaning he appears when two people fuse/join to become 1 person. He is made of Goten and Chibi Trunks. He is a powerful fighter being the only person other than Goku to turn Super Saiyan 3. But he is cocky and usually gets his ass kicked because he under estimates his opponents.
Death(s): None, but got absorbed by Buu.

A member of the Ginyu Force. Guldo is a fat and short frog-faced guy with four eyes. He is the weakest of them all. He has the ability to stop time for instants of time which helps him out. He battled the enraged Gohan and Krillin and was losing really bad. But then he got them caught in a mind freeza and that helped him out. He was about to finish Gohan and Krillin off when Vegeta shot a finger laser at him then finished him off.
Japanese Name: Gurudo, Guld
Death(s): Head decapitated by Vejita, then blown to smitherines by Vejita.

This is the eldest Namek. He was the last surviving namek after all the other ones died. He is the father of all the current Nameks(except for Piccolo). He created the Namekian dragonballs which can grant you 3 wishes. He is guarded by Nail, the most powerful Namek next to Piccolo. He awakened Gohan's and Krillin's hidden powers and also gave Dende the power to heal.
Japanese Name: Saichohroh
Death(s): Died of old age.

Another member of the Ginyu Force. He has orange skin, long white hair, and an australian accent. He and Burter fought Goku but after seeing Goku knock out Burter, he got scared and called for Captain Ginyu. He was later killed by Vegeta who clearly overpowered him.
Other Spellings: Jeice, Jees
Death(s): Killed by Vejita

Kami or Kami-Samma, he is the earth guardian. He is a namek and is over 150 years old. He was the one that created the earth dragonballs so whenever he dies, the dragonballs disappear. He lives up high above the earth on Kami's Lookout with his pal Mr. Popo. He stays there and watches over the earth.
Death(s): Died when Piccolo died in the fight against Napa.

King Kai:
King Kai is a kaio. To get to him, you need to cross snakeway. The only two people to ever to get to him were King Yama and our hero, Goku. He lives on his little planet with his monkey Bubbles, and his cricket Gregory. He is a blue guy that kind of looks like a catfish. He trains Goku and teaches him the Kaioken and the Spirit bomb.
Japanese Name: Kaio-sama
Death(s): Killed when Cell self-destructed on his planet.

King Yama:
He is like Hades of the greek mythology. He decides if you go to Hell or heaven. He is a giant with horns and always wears a purple suit with a red tie. He gave permission for Goku to train under King Kai. If you eat the fruits from his fruit tree in Hell, you can become stronger and wouldn't need to eat anything else for months. He is also the only person other than Goku to escape from Princess Snake and to reach King Kai.
Death(s): None

Krillin is Goku's best friend. He is a short bald guy that has six dots on his forehead. He is a strong fighter with alot of good moves, but against all other fighters, he is pretty much weak. He helps out Goku in the Saiyan Saga forming the spirit bomb and whacking Vegeta with it. Then he flew to Planet Namek and searched with the dragonballs there. He got his hidden powers awakened by Guru, the eldest namek and became more powerful. He fought against the Ginyu Force but got his butt whooped. Then he fought Freeza and of course, he got killed by Freeza. But then Dende healed him. But then he got killed again by Freeza, which triggered Goku to turn Super Saiyan. He gets wished back to life later. Later in the series, he grows hair and marries #18, having a child with her named Marron.
Japanese Name: Kuririn
Other Spellings: Krillen
Death(s): Killed by Demon Piccolo(Piccolo's dad). Killed by Frieza.

Master Roshi:
Master Roshi is the creator/inventor of the Kamehameha attack. He was the strongest fighter on earth about 50 years ago. He always wears sunglasses but takes them off in fighting tournaments, then he is known as Jackie Chun. He was fine until he started looking at porno magazines. Then he became horny and pretty much liked to look at every woman he saw.
Japanese Name: Mutenroshi or Kamesennin
Death(s): Killed by Demon Piccolo(Piccolo's dad).

This guy is the bodyguard of Guru, the eldest namek. He is the most powerful namek not counting Piccolo. He was trained in the ancient arts on how to fight. Although he didn't even hurt Freeza one bit, he did stall him enough for Gohan, Krillin, and Dende to make their wishes. He fused with Piccolo after he got beat up real bad.
Death(s): None, ended up fusing with Piccolo.

Napa was Vegeta's sidekick in the saiyan saga. He came with Vegeta to earth and caused havok. He managed to kill Tien, Choazu, and Piccolo easily. It looked like no one could beat him. But then Goku came and opened a can of whoop ass on him. Vegeta saw that Napa had no chance of winning so he saved himself some time and killed Napa himself. In DBGT, Napa returns from hell and once again, Vegeta kills him.
Other Spellings: Nappa
Death(s): Killed by Vejita when he dissapointed him.

This is a shapeshifting pig. He spends most of his time on Master Roshi's island. He can shapeshift like Puuar.
Death(s): None

Ox King:
The Ox King is Chichi's dad and Goku's father in-law. He is the grandfather of Gohan and Goten. Compared to the rest of the characters in dbz, the Ox King is a huge man. He wears a shirt, pants, and a viking-like helmet with those horns. He trained under Master Roshi as well.
Japanese Name: Gyuu Mao
Death(s): None

Piccolo is a namek. He is the son of Piccolo-Daimao. He used to be Goku's enemy cause Goku killed his dad, but he later becomes friends. Piccolo killed Raditz with his special beam cannon attack. He trained Gohan after that fight in the wilderness and became very fond of him. He fought Napa in the saiyan saga but ended up sacrificing his life for Gohan. He died and trained under King Kai. He was wished back to life with the namekian dragonballs and fought Freeza. He fused with Nail and became even stronger. But he was no match for Freeza. In the android saga, he fuses with Kami.
Death(s): Killed sacrificing his life for Gohan against Napa.

This is Yamcha's best friend. She is a blue cat and is very close to Yamcha and probably Bulma too since Yamcha used to go out with Bulma. Puuar can shapeshift like Oolong the pig.
Other Spellings: Puar
Japanese Spelling: Poole (I think)
Death(s): None

Racoom is a member of the Ginyu Force. He was the second person to battle. He first fought Vegeta and kicked the crap out of him. Then Gohan and Krillin jumped in the fray, he gave one kick to Krillin and Krillin was down. Then he battled Gohan but even Gohan going all out was not enough for Racooms massive power. But then Goku arrived and the tide turned, as Racoom tried to attack Goku with his Racoom Kaboom attack, Goku elbowed him in the gut and Racoom got koed. Then later Vegeta blasted him to the next dimension.
Other Spellings: Recoom, Recoome
Death(s): Defeated by Goku, killed by Vejita.

Raditz is Goku's brother. He is one of the last 4 surviving saiyans. He came to earth to check up on Goku to see if he had destroyed the planet yet. When he saw that Goku had not, he kidnapped Gohan and took him away. Goku and Piccolo teamed up and fought Raditz. The battle seemed to be going his way until Gohan miraculously headbutted him and cracked his armor. Then Goku got him locked in a full nelson and Piccolo makensappoed them both to the next dimension.
Death(s): Armlocked by Goku and killed by Piccolo's makensappou.

Mr. Satan is the father of Videl. He was hailed as the person who killed Buu but as we all know, it was our hero, Goku. He isn't that great of a fighter. Everyone can beat him up, maybe even you. He wins most of the Tenkaichi bodukai tournaments. How you aske? Well, he makes a deal with Mr. Buu to defeat everyone then throw the last match, in turn Mr. Buu will get lodging and stuff like that. He has a dog named Bee.
Death(s): None(surprising isn't it).

Tien was the student of Tsurusennin. He is bald and has three eyes which as you might have guessed is the most eye catching thing you see(no pun intended). He is best friends with Chaozu and they can communicate telepathically with each other. He fought bravely against Napa but died. He was wished back to life and pretty much helped Goku and the others out whenever trouble brewed.
Other Spellings: Tenshinhan
Death(s): Killed going all out against Napa.

Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. He has purple hair because of his mom. Actually there are two Trunks', there is Chibi(small) Trunks and Marai(Future) Trunks. I will tell you about both. First about Chibi Trunks. Chibi Trunks is in the normal timeline and is friends with Goten. He is kind of mischievous and gets Goten in trouble alot. He can fuse with Trunks to become Gotenks. Next is Marai Trunks. He is from the future and is the older version of Trunks. He came back to the past using Bulma's time machine and killed Cyborg Freeza and his dad King Cold. He gave Goku some potion to stop his heart desease. Then he went back to the future. Then when the z-fighters are battling #20, he comes back and saves himself(baby Trunks) from dying cause #20 nearly destroyed the plane that Bulma, her new born(Trunks), and Yajerobi were in.
Death(s): Killed by Cell after Cell regenerated from one cell.

Turlis is also a saiyan but not one of the last 4, I guess that's cause the movies don't follow the episodes. He appeared in the movie "Tree of Might." He came to earth and planted a seed which in a few minutes grew to be the Tree Of Might. He fought Goku but Goku was too strong for him so he ate a fruit from the tree and got stronger. After that he got stronger and whooped Goku down. But then somehow Goku got his hands on some fruit, gathered a spirit bomb, and sent Turlis flying to the next dimension.
Japanese Name: Taurus
Death(s): Killed by Goku's spirit Bomb.

Uranai Baba:
This is Master Roshi's sister. She is sort of a fortune teller or a witch. She appeared in the Saiyan saga and everyone used her crystal ball to see the battle against Vegeta and Napa.
Death(s): None

This guy is my favorite character. He is the Prince of all Saiyans being the son of King Vegeta. He came to earth to get the dragonballs but Goku defeated him. Then he went to Planet Namek to get the dragonballs there but ended up siding with Goku and his friends against Freeza. He died but was wished back to life later. He turns super saiyan for the first time in the android saga and defeated #19. He always wanted to defeat Goku but knew he would never be able too. By the Buu saga, he becomes a purely good man and helps Goku defeat Majin Buu. He can fuse with Goku to become Gogeta or Vegeto.
Other Spellings: Vegita
Death(s): Killed by Frieza's Frieza beam. Self-destructed on Buu.

Vegeto is a fused being. He is formed when Goku and Vegeta fuse together with the potarri earings. The potarri earings were given to them by the Kaioshin's. When they fuse together with the earings, the fusion is supposed to last forever. But when they got absorbed by Buu and then got spit out, somehow they were Goku and Vegeta again. So it must have been something in buu.
Death(s): None

Videl is the daughter of Mr. Satan. If you move the letters of her name around a bit, you will see it spells Devil. Just a pun in there. She attended Orange Star Highschool along with Gohan. She ended up marring Gohan they had a daugther named Pan.
Death(s): None

Yajerobi is a fat guy that likes food alot. He first trained with Kami in the saiyan saga along with Krillin, Chaozu, Tien, and Yamcha. What a waste of time, he was chicken and didn't even fight. But he got all the attention from the news crews somehow. But he did manage to cut off Vegeta's tail so that Vegeta could not be oozaru anymore so I guess he did some good. He hangs out with Bulma alot in the android saga I don't know why but he does.
Death(s): Killed when #20 and #19 blew up his cruiser.

Yamcha has a heart for fighting, it's probably what he lives for. He used to go out with Bulma but was so shy around women, they broke up. Bulma ended up marrying Vegeta as we know. He fought in the Saiyan saga against a saiybaman. He was doing good but then the saiybaman selfdestructed on him. He was wished back later and helped Goku and the others in future fights.
Japanese Name: Yamucha
Death(s): Killed by a saibaman.

Zarbon is one of Freeza's top henchmen. He battled Vegeta on planet Namek and basically whooped his butt. He threw Vegeta in the lake and returned to Freeza. But then Freeza ordered him to get Vegeta back so he could tell them where the last dragonball was. The healed Vegeta but then Vegeta escaped with all of their 5 dragonballs. Zarbon went looking for him and Vegeta wanted to get it over with. So since all Saiyans get stronger after each battle, Vegeta did and he finished Zarbon off with ease.
Death(s): Killed by Vejita.