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Welcome to the United States Support Group in Haiti!

UPDATED 17 August 99

This is the United States Support Group in Haiti's Unofficial Web Site. America's finest lending a hand to those most in need in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere

Wanted Poster

Welcome to the United States Support Group's "Home away from Homepage". In order to add a personal meaning to my otherwise professional stay here in Haiti, I have decided to pass the time not spent working arduously for Uncle Sam, with a chronicle of my stay here. I have posted photographs and added some commentary on life here in Haiti. I hope you all find this site entertaining and thought provoking. The poverty and level of human misery here are overwhelming, and I will try to let you see much of what we see everyday.

For those of you who about to join us here in the Support Group, this site will give you a better feel for the environment you will be living in. I am also adding a chapter with the official US Support Group's "Welcome Packet". Please print it off and use it as a reference to prepare for your deployment. Although I will be departing the Support Group shortly, I have promised the command I would maintain this site as an aid to incoming service members and their families.

Feel free to sign the guest book or email me with suggestions. If there is something you are interested in and would like me to research just let me know.
CPT Terry

Table of Contents

Just "Click" on the Subject you want!

Wanted Poster2
The US Support Group's "Welcome Packet"

Facts about Haiti

Port Au Prince

Camp Kinser

Nou Zanmi "We are Friends"

My Home away from Home

My Job

Operation Starfish


Doumas Marie

In Memory of Scott Bryant and Harleigh Lestrick

The Iron Captains

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