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"She is my love, beauty, and desire. She is my lifeblood."


1. I'm very fond of both the guitar and piano.

2. My two favorite movies are Gladiator and Fight Club.

3. There are also a lot of other movies that I want to see.

4. I hate it when people chew their food really loudly, or slup their drinks.

5. I'm allergic to cats, but love them nonetheless.

6. Anybody who wants to become a philosopher is doomed for life.

7. When I was 16, I wanted to become a philosopher.

8. I will never date a hot girl.

9. My favorite bands are Metallica and Dream Theater.

10. I've been rejected by five different girls.

11. I expect there to be more rejections as time passes.

12. Don't ever take geology unless you like rocks.

13. I find it funny that people have a hard time pronouncing a three-letter word ("Mal").

14. I like RPGs. Currently, I'm playing Baldur's Gate 2.

15. My 11th grade US History teacher was really cool.

16. I've grown mentally at an exponential rate since the age of 17.

17. I don't know what #16 means.

18. My car has 13" tires.

19. "Junkyard Dog" (Winger) and "Mother Gaia" (Stratovarius) have both made me cry.

20. I love romance, and I'm very passionate about relationships.

21. My friend Shawn really likes this page.

22. Things would be different if Shakespeare was a drunkass.

23. I spend more time in my car than at home.

24. I have a tv in my room, but never use it. Anybody want it?

25. I voted for Bush in the 2000 election.

26. Don't really remember why I did.

27. My favorite online multiplayer game is Subspace.

28. I have an IQ of 145.

29. I own a pair of black leather pants.

30. Hoping to find a pair of black leather boots soon.