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Chartered by Manoa School APT

Pack 33

Kapiolani District
Aloha Council
Honolulu, Hawaii


Pack FAQs

Hall Of Fame

Cubs Talk Back!

Pack Snacks

Uniform List

Cub Scouting means "doing." Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness.

  • We enjoy a full calendar of hikes, activity days, overnight camps, model races, service projects, and other family-oriented events.
  • Our cubs are introduced to many lifelong skills such as woodworking, first aid, outdoor survival, physical fitness, and salesmanship.
  • We help our community and the environment.
  • Our boys learn to think for themselves and to think about others.

We welcome boys and parents/guardians who wish to be an active part of Pack 33. Please read the FAQs then contact the Cubmaster.

Gregg Abe, David Hamada, Daniel Kim
2006 Pack 33 Pinewood Derby 2nd, 1st, 3rd Place. Best Looking: Skyler Kim

Makahiki Sales 2006
Brycen Ching

Popcorn Sales Huge Success!

The Popcorn Sale period is over, and Pack 33 is commended for a Super Job! This has probably been our best year ever, and will go a long way to fund our annual camps and Aloha Council Events!

We sold 93+ cases of popcorn!!

Our Top Salesman is Brycen Ching-Brouwers, Wolf Scout with
Total Sales of $601. Brycen also earned $225 in Aloha Council Shop Gift Certificates for finding 9 Mystery Houses. At last count, only 11 were found on Oahu. Way-to-Go Brycen and Melanie!

Other Top Salesmen with more than $200 in sales were: Matthew Sakai, Aaron Nonaka, Garin Fukushima, Nicholas Izawa, Bryce Hiramatsu & Cody Fujimoto

2006 Space Derby

PACK CHAMPION - CHRISTOPHER HAIDA, Tiger/Wolf Den - Shalev Eckert, Bear Den - Christopher Haida, Web I/Weblos II Den - Jason Kosaki



Schofield Day
Lokahi Gift Giving
Manoa XMas Parade
Blue & Gold Dinner
Pinewood Derby
Family Camp
Memorial Day "Good Turn"
Day Camp
Manoa School Loi Service Project

Pack 33

For more info:

Pack 33
Chartered by:
Manoa Elementary School APT

Copyright © 2002 Pack 33
All Rights Reserved