Negaverse Family

Beryl is the Queen of the Negaverse and loyal servent of the Negaforce (Queen Metallia in Japan). She desires to rule the Earth, seeking revenge on Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts for Queen Serenity's actions during the Silver Millennium. Queen Beryl also wants Prince Darien to rule the Negaverse by her side. She is jealous of the bond between Prince Darien and Sailor Moon and cannot understand why he loves her. Queen Beryl kidnaps Darien when he is injured, erases his mermories, and palces him under her mind control to serve the Negaverse. Queen Beryl is an impatient, demanding, merciless ruler who does not tolerate mistakes or failure. She expects and demands homage and complete obedience from her servents. She does not think twice about sacrificing any of them for the advancement of the Negaverse. Queen Beryl's powers are impressive but but her body is weak. After she is gravely wounded by one of Prince Darien's roses, Queen Beryl pleads for help from the Negaforce. The Negaforce fuses with the Queen's body and provides her with immense power. During her final confrontation with the Moon Princess, Queen Beryl is vaporized by the Imperium Silver Crystal and the energy of the Sailor Scouts.

Jedite (Jadeite) is the first of Queen Beryl's 4 generals, sent to Earth harvest energy from humans. This energy is then transferred to the Negaverse, which helps the Negaforce regain its power. Jedite is charming and has a soothing, rich voice with a cutting edge. He remains calm and collected and never rushes. Jedite is also quite sly and often hides in the shadows while he observes his target. He is a master when taking advantage of the gullibility of humans. Jedite is very interested in pleasing Queen Beryl and is humble when he stands before her. Failing Queen Beryl is his only fear. Jedite uses either possessed humans or yoma from the Negaverse to collect human energy. The energy is usually gathered through an object (including jewelry, flowers, clocks, a disco globe, etc.) and is then transferred to Jedite in the Negaverse. Jedite collects the energy into an orb which floats above his hand and grows as the amount of energy increases. Interestingly, Jedite collects energy from 3 of the 7 deadly sins --- greed, vanity, and gluttony. His other sources of energy stem from rebellion, panic, love, fame, luck, and scholastic achievement. Jedite is a master of disguise. He visits Tokyo disguised as a radio host, an aerobics instructor, a caretaker at Raye's temple, a security guard, and a captain of a ship. He also specialized in illusions. Jedite makes a rusty, decrepid ship look like a luxury cruise liner, and projects an image of himself over Tokyo while making it appear as if the city is a raging inferno. Jedite possesses incredible ability with telekinesis, and is able to control to jet airplanes and a monorail train. Jedite usually sends forth his yoma to battle the Sailor Scouts, but he does engage in combat directly with Tuxedo Mask. Jedite eventually learns the identities of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars, but Queen Beryl encases him in a large crystal ("Eternal Sleep") for his repeated failures.

Nephlite (Nephrite) is the second of Queen Beryl's 4 generals. He is initially charged with the same mission as Jedite --- gather energy from humans to release the Negaforce, and destroy the Sailor Scouts. When Nephlite's order later change to locating the Imperium Silver Crystal, he uses magic to create the Star Crystal to show him the way. Nephlite is attuned to the stars and he uses this power in his quest for energy: Nephlite has asked the constellations of Sagittarius (the archer) and Orpheus (the musician) to guide Nephlite to a human with high energy potential. Once Nephlite learns about his target's main interest in life, he visits the individual and usually provides him/her with advice or encouragement. Nephlite then endows a special item with the essence of a yoma, which forces an obsession upon the human for his/her favored activity. The human becomes mean, cruel, heartless and relentless in the pursuit of his/her quest. The more the human uses the endowed item, the more his/her energy is increased, until it reaches its peak. Nephlite is notified telepathically when this occurs, and orders the yoma within the item to drain energy from the human. Nephlite is an extremely complex and dynamic character. He surrounds himself with wealth and material possessions while on Earth. His Earth alias is Maxfield Stanton (Masato Sanjouin in Japan), a young businessman who owns his own company. Nephlite interacts with humans more that the other 3 generals. Nephlite is suave, dashing, and charming with a sexy, smooth voice. He is arrogant, and does not show the same respect for, or fear of, Queen Beryl that Jedite did. Nephlite argues with her, ignores her summons, and dismisses any suggestion that his rival, Zoycite, should work with him. Nephlite is also a skilled warrior --- strong, quick, agile, graceful, and quite dextrous. Zoycite brands Nephlite as a traitor when it appears that he falls for Molly Baker's affections. Before Nephlite dies in Molly's arms, he laughs with Molly and learns how powerful emotions of love and happiness can be.

Zoycite (Zoicite) is Queen Beryl's third general. In the original Japanese series, Zoycite is a male, but in the NA English translation, he is rewritten as female. Zoycite was trained by Malachite, and the two of them share a special romantic relationship. Her mission is to locate the 7 Rainbow Crystals, return the released Shadow Warriors to the Negaverse, and find the Imperium Silver Crystal. Zoycite doesn't have any respect for humans. She is very ambitious and is determined to prove herself to Malachite to earn his pride and love. Zoycite fears Queen Beryl, and shows her the necessary respect by kneeling before her, bowing her head, and flattering her. She relies on Malachite for comfort and is submissive to his wishes. Zoycite is Nephlite's rival in the Negaverse. Zoycite wants to server as Queen Beryl's right hand and critizes Nephlite's failures before the Queen, hoping that she will lose confidence in him. Zoycite is vain, conniving and impatient. She cackles, jeers and taunts her enemies with threats and insults, and is more demanding than Jedite or Nephlite. Zoycite will not engage in combat unless she knows that she has the upper hand, and tends to leave a fight before it becomes too intense. Zoycite is a "dirty" fighter, and has no qualms about stabbing her opponent in the back after she says that she will give them a fair fight. Zoycite's weaknesses include crows and rats. Zoycite is destroyed by Queen Beryl after she disobeys a direct order, dying in Malachite's arms.

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