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Ship Homecoming

Normally when we talk about ship homecomings it is there return to homeport after deployment. But for DE-1057 for many there was a switch in Rathburne's first homecoming. You see that after commissioning and joining the fleet Rathburne was homeported in Hawaii. But when the scheduled work up for Rathburne's first deployment they were fortunate to have a stop at the Portland Rose Festival. And by returning to the mainland's Northwest coast, many considered it a homecoming. It allowed Families to visit with love ones again. And to many it was there first homecoming.

Hawaiian Homecoming

Here are several of the first homecoming pictures I received. See if you recognize anyone. The first group is from arrival in Pearl after homeport change. Arriving in early morning and being berthed outboard the USS Preble DLG-15. Check these out.


Below a different look as we returned from Rathburne's third Deployment. If you were one of those who rode out to the ship to deliver flowers at the 1st buoy and took some pictures lets hear it from you. We see welcome signs along entrance to harbor at Eva Beach. Some watching from Hickmen AFB. And the biggest group at Mike Pier.

For some aboard the Philippines is home

For some the Philippine homecoming are a long time between visits.
If your willing to share photo arriving to pier or at gate that you will share please do.

76 or 77 Homecoming ?

Need you help here. This is after I left the ship. I'm pretty sure Rathburne made a Bicentennial deployment. I don't know when they returned from deployment. 1976 or 1977? Help us out and start filling in late 1970's history.Who was CDR. Russell relief?