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Welcome to the Gateway
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Welcome to the Gateway

Made with Photoshop 5.0, 6 layers!

Welcome back to the gateway! Like my new phrase? Where Reality Ends and Fantasy Begins... Cool huh? I uploaded two new pics. The clock and the banner. The movie "The Matrix" kicks more ass then a centipede in an ass kicking contest! Last updated 4/23/99

Made with Photoshop 5.0!
Made with Photoshop 5.0

Made this banner for our Electric Car Team, We couldn't use it though, Kinko's couldn't make it. I designed our Team logo though, I'll upload that later. My friend, Emi drew the two girls, I just placed them. :P

AMD k-6III with 3D Now!

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The League of Aiur Stuff About Me Writings Naga's Ranger Haven Anime Zone! Linkz Section!

The background sound your listening to is something I found, I don't remember where though. It sounds pretty cool, I think someone made it.

Disclaimer! Things you will not find on the Main Gateway! Tofu dogs, Tanning saloons, Veg. chilli, the Macerana, Male manicure, Granola, Designer underwear and Nudity (unless tastefully done) Second Disclaimer! Any thing related to Starcraft is owned and copyrighted ©Blizzard Entertainment. All FF7 related items is owned and copyrighted ©Sqaure U.S.A. All refrences and logos to AMD's K-6III is copyrighted ©Advanced Micro Devices Inc.