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Merry Meet, you have now entered my domain.

Please look through this page with an open heart, do not judge what you see just because it isn't what you believe.


Everyone has a different point of view of what is Wicca , but one thing that we all agree on is that Wiccans do NOT worship Satan!!!!

As a witch we respect ability and knowledge, but we do not let anyone stand in our way between us and the spiritual place. A witch doesn't attempt to block out any imformation that does not fit into the universe described in his/her holy book.

In witchcraft everyone is equal there is no one above anyone else, and it screws up the whole definition of religion.One interesting thing I find about wicca is that we don't just call opon one god/dess, we can call opon one god/dess as well as many, or animals and all that exists around us. Like nature for an example, witches don't really "worship nature" we just reject anything that takes us away from nature, or something that would suggest that the Earth doesn't participate in the many things of seen and unseen realities.

Mind the Three Fold Law we must, in perfect love and perfect trust.


The Wiccan Rede
Candle Magick
Spell of the Month
Lunar Magick
Charge of The Goddess
Q & A New
AurasComing Soon
Recomended ReadingComing Soon
Rituals Coming Soon
Magickal CorrespondancesComing Soon
HerbsComing Soon
History Coming Soon

