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Calling spirits can help magic, but must be done in care. God/desses and other spirits are not just some energy thats sitting around, they are powerful beings who are due to some repect. If you plan on invoking a god/dess, learn to pronounce the name correctly, to prepare proper offerings, and familiarize yourself with the cultural background which s/he had come from. This may take time, but is very important to help you properly do what you are doing. The learning process helps you connect with that specific energy.
To choose a deity or spirit, you might wnat to consider one who has magic as part of his or her domain or influence. Or you could petition your own personal God or Goddess. Another alternative is to call upon an entity whose jurisdiction is associated with your goal. You can use any 3 of these methods, but choice which ever one feels right for you.
Female List
Aditi: Hindu; Goddess of Protection.
Adraste: British; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Ahurani: Persian; Goddess of fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Aima: Hebrew; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and productivity.
Akaru-Hime: Japanese; Goddess of Water Travel.
Aleitheia: Gnostic: Goddess of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Al-Lat: Persian; Goddess of Moon Magic.
Althea: Greek; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Amahita: Persian; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Amaterasu: Japanese; Goddess of Happiness, Joy, and Solar Magic.
Anagke: Greek; Goddess of Destiny and Fate.
Anat: Canaanite; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, Productivity, Love and Romance.
Anu: Irish; Goddess of Prosperity.
Anumati: Hindu; Goddess of Moon Magic.
Aphrodite: Greek; Goddess of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Arachne: Greek; Goddess of Destiny and Fate.
Aradia: Italian; Queen of the Witches, Daughter of Diana. Goddess of General Magic.
Aramati: Hindu; Goddes of Dedication and Devotion.
Arami: Hindu: Goddess of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Arianrhod: Welsh; Goddess of the Stars and Reincarnation.
Artemis: Greek; Goddess of the Moon.
Ashima: Samaritan; Goddess of Moon Magic.
Astarte: Greek; Fertility Goddess.
Astraea: Greek; Goddess of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Asva: Hindu; Goddess of Solar Magic.
Athena: Greek; Warrior Goddess and Protector, Goddess of Strength and Courage.
Athene:Greek; Goddess of Creativity, Peace, Harmony, Restitution.
Auchimalgen: Chilean; Goddess of Protection.
Aunt Piet: Chinese; Goddess of General Magic.
Aya: Babylonian; Goddess of Solar Magic.
Ayizan: Haitian; Goddess of General Magic.
Bast: Egyptian; Goddess of Protection,Cats, and Solar Magic.
Belili: Sumerian; Goddess of Love, Romance, and the Moon.
Belit-ilanit: Chaldean; Goddess of Love and Romance.
Bellona: Roman; Goddess of Strength and Courage.
Benten: Japanese; Goddess of Love, Romance, Luck, Fortune, and Prosperity.
Berchta: Scandinavian; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Bharati: Hundu; Goddess of communication.
Binah: Hebrew; Goddess of Knowledge and Insight.
Bona Dea: Roman; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Brighid: Celtic; A triple Goddess, Protector of Children, and Goddess of Creativity, Health and Well-Being.
Brimo; Greek; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Buddhi: Tibetan; Goddess of Knowledge, Insight and Prosperity.
Cardea: Roman; Goddess of Home Matters.
Carmenta: Roman; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Ceres: Roman; Goddess of the Hunt, Moon Goddess
Cerridwen: Welsh; Goddess of Knowledge, Insight, Love, Romance, General Magic, Moon and Harvest.
Chala: Hindu; Goddess of Luck and Fortune.
Concordia: Roman; Goddess of Peace, Harmony, and Restitution.
Cupra: Etruscan; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Dakinis: Tibetan; Goddess of Psychic Magic.
Damara: British; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Demeter: Greek; Earth Mother, Goddess of Birth.
Deshtri: Hindu; Goddess of Learning of Knowledge and Insight.
Diana: Roman; Goddess of the Hunt, Moon Goddess. Goddess of general Magic.
Dione: Phoenician; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Dioysus: Greek; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Dryads: Greek; Feminine Tree Spirits.
Dugnai: Slavonic; Goddess of Home Matters.
Eir: Scandinavian; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Egeria: Roman; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Ekadzati: Tibetan; Goddess of Wisdom involving Mystical Things.
Eos: Greek; Goddess of Solar MAgic.
Erinyes: Greek; Goddess of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Erzulie: Haitian; Goddess of Love and Romance.
Eterna: Chinese; Goddess of General Magic.
Fides:Roman; Goddess of Dedications and Devotions involving promises, and Communications in Good Faith.
Fila Vocis: Latin; Goddess of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Flora: Roman; Goddess of Spring and Birth.
Fortuna: Roman; Goddess of Destiny and Fate.
Freya: Scandinavian;Moon Goddess
Gaia: Greek; Goddess of Dedications and Devotions involving Oaths,Divinations, Oracles, and Prophesys.
Gasmu: Chaldean; Goddess of Wisdom.
Gwendydd: Welsh; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Gula: Babylonian; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Gulleig: Teutonic; Goddess of General Magic.
Habondia: Medival; Goddess of General Magic.
Harmonia: Greek; Goddess of Peace, Harmony, and Restitution.
Hathor: Egyptian; Protector of Women in Business, Goddess of Happiness, Joy, and Passionate Sexual Love..
Hecate: Greek; Moon Goddess, Crone, and Goddess of Divination, Oracles, Phrophesy, and general Magic.
Heh: Egyptian; Goddess of Wisdom.
Heket: Egyptian; Goddess of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Hera: Greek; Goddess of Handfasting.
Herodias: Gaulish; Goddess of General Magic.
Hestia: Greek; Goddess of the Home.
Holle: Teutonic; Goddess of General Magic and Snow Weather.
Hsi-Ho: Chinese; Goddess of Solar Magic.
Hygeia: Greek; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Ida: Hindu; Goddess of Dedication, Devotion, Divination, Oracles, Prophesy.
Igaehindvo: Native American; Goddess of Solar Magic.
Imbaluris: Hittite; Goddes of Comunication.
Inanna: Sumerian; Goddess Represtation of the Mother and Goddess of Divination, oracles, and Prophesy.
Indrani: Hindu; Goddess of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Iris: Greek; Goddess of Communication.
Ishtar: Babylonian: Goddess of Divination, Oracles, Propesy, Love and Romance.
Isis: Eqyptian; Complete Goddess or Triple Goddess.
Jerah: hebrew; Goddess of the moon.
Kali: Hindu; Creative, Destructive Goddess. Protector of abused Women.
Karusepas: Hittite; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Kedesh: Syrian; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Kichohu: Japanese; Goddess of Luck and Fortune.
Kikimora: Slavonic; Goddess of the Home.
Korraual: Hindu; Goddess of Victory and Success.
Kukuri-Hime: Japanese; Goddess of Meditation in Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Kwan Yin: Chinese; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, Phrophesy, health, well-being, and General Magic.
Lakshmi: hindu; Goddess of Luck Fortune, and Prosperity.
Lalita: Hindu; Goddess of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Levanah: Chaldean; Goddess of the moon.
Li: Chinese; Goddess of Solar Magic.
Liban: Irish; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Lilith: Hebrew; Goddess of Higher Intelligence. Adams first Wife.
Lono: Polynesian; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Luna: Roman; Moon Goddess.
Lu-Hsing: Chinese; Goddess of Prosperity.
Luonnotar: Finnish; Goddess of Creativity.
Ma: Egyptian; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Maat: Egyptian; Goddess of Justice, Divine Order and Balance truth, Validity, and Justice..
Maitri: Hindu; Goddess of Friendship.
Mama Quilla: Incan: Goddess of Rain.
Mari: Basque; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, Phrophesy, Weather, and General Magic.
Maya: Hindu; Goddess of Creativity.
Meri: Chaldean; Goddess of Destiny and Fate.
Metis: Greek; Goddess of Wisdom.
Minerva: Roman; Goddess of Wisdom.
Moerae, The: Greek, Goddess of Destiny and Fate.
Morgan: Celtic; Goddess of Water, strength, courage, and she is Married to Merlin.
Muses: Greek; Goddess of Inspiration Creativity, Luck and Fortune.
Nahmauit: Egyptian; Goddess of Protection.
Namagiri: Hindu; Goddess of Creativity, Divination, Oracles, Prophesy, Teaching Knowledge and Insight.
Neith: Egyptian; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, Productivity, Home, strength and courage.
Nephthys: Egyptian; Goddess of Suprise.
Nike: Greek; Goddess of Victory and Success.
Norns: Celtic; Fate, Past, Present and Future.
Nuit: Egyptian; Sky Mother
Ops: Roman; Goddess of Prosperity.
Pairikas: Persian; Goddess of Communication.
Pax: Roman; Goddess of Peace, Harmony, and Restitution.
Persephone: Greek; Goddess of the Underworld.
Prajna: Hindu; Goddess of Wisdom.
Rangda: Hindu; Goddess of General Magic.
Rati: Hindu; Goddess of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Re: Phoenician; Goddess of the moon.
Rodasi: Hindu; Goddess of the Storm
Sadwes: Persian; Goddess of Rain
Salus: Roman; Goddess of Health and Well Being.
Samkhat: Babylonian; Goddess of Happiness and Joy.
Sarama: Japanese; Goddess of the Wind.
Saranyu: Hindu; Goddess of the Clouds
Sati: Egyptian; Goddess of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Selene: Greek; Moon Goddess.
Shaushka: Hittite; Goddess of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Sheila-na-gig: Irish; Goddess of Protection.
Shekinah: Hebre; Goddess of Wisdom.
Shing Mu: Chinese; Goddess of Knowledge and Insight.
Sin: Teutonic; Goddess of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Sita: Hindu; Goddess of Strength and Courage.
Sophia: Gnostic; Goddess of Wisdom.
Sul: British; Goddess of Solar Magic.
Suwa: Arab;Goddess of Strength and Courage.
Tallai; Canaanite; Goddess of Rain
Tashnit: Chaldean; Goddess of Hearing Communication.
Tien Mu: Chinese; Goddess of Lightning
Toma: Tibetan; Goddess of Knowledge and Insight.
Vach: Hindu; Goddess of Mystical Discourse in Communication.
Valkyries: Scandinavian; Carried the Souls of Warriors to Heaven.
Vasudhara: Hindu; Goddess of Prosperity.
Venus: Roman; Goddess of Love, Romance, and Sexual Enjoyment.
Vesta: Roman; Goddess of Fire and home.
Victoria: Roman; Goddess of Victory and Success.
Vijaya: Hindu; Goddess of Victory and Success.
Zorya: Slavonic; Goddess of Strength and Courage.
Male List:
Acat: Mayan; God of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Achilles: Greek; God of Strength and Courage.
Adonis: Greek; God of Vegetation
Aeolus: Greek; God of the Wind
Agathadaimon: Eqyptian; God of Destiny Fate, Luck and Fortune.
Agni: Hindu; God of Rain and Lightning.
Amathaon: Welsh; God of General Magic.
Amergin: Irish: God of Communication.
Amun Ra: Egyptian; God of Love, Romance, and Solar Magic.
Angus: Celtic; God of Love and Romance.
Anubis: Eqyptian; Protector of Home and Person.
Apollo: Greek and Roman; God of the Sun, Creativity, Truth,Validity, Justice, Divination, Oracles, Prophesy Fertility, Fruitfulness, Productivity, Health, Well-Being, and Solar Magic.
Asclepius: Greek; God of Health and Well Being.
Ataksak: Eskimo; God of Happiness and Joy.
Atar: Persian; God of Protection.
Atlas: Greek; God of Strength and Courage.
Atri: Hindu; God of Wisdom.
Awhiowhio: Astrailian; God of Whirlwinds.
Bacchus: Greek; God of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Baduh: Semitic: God of Communication Involving Messages.
Baldur: Scandinavian;God of Happiness, Joy, Wisdom, and Solar Magic.
Bannik: Slavonic; God of Divination, Oracles, Prophesy, and Home.
Bes: Egyptian; God of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Bielbog: Slavonic: God of Forest Travel.
Bonus Eventus: Roman; God of Luck and Fortune.
Bragi: Norse; God of Creativity and Wisdom.
Buddha: Far Eastern; God of Wisdom.
Cernunnos: Celtic; The Horned God. God of General Magic.
Cupid: Roman; God of Love and Romance.
Da-Bog: Slavonic; God of the Home and Solar Magic.
Dainichi: Japanese; God of Wisdom.
Diakoku: Japanese; God of Luck, Fortune and Prosperity.
Diancecht: Irish; God of Health and Well Being.
Dionysus: Greek; God of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Dyaus: Hindu; God of Solar Magic.
Ea: Babylonian; God of General Magic and Wisdom.
Ebisu; Japanese; God of Dedication and Devotion to Occupation.
Ekchuah: Mayan; God of Travel.
Eros: Greek; Fod of Passion and Love.
Eshmun: Phoenician; God of Health and Well Being.
Evander: Roman; God of Divination, Oracles and Prophesy.
Fa: Deninese; God of Destiny and Fate.
Fati: Polynesian; God of the moon.
Forseti: Scandinavian; God of Truth, Validity, Justice, Peace, Harmony, and Restitution.
Fu-Hsing: Chinese; God of Happiness and Joy.
Gadal: Irish; God of Communication.
Gansea: Hindu; God of Luck and Fortune.
Gibil: Babylonian; God of Truth Validity, and Justice.
Glaucus: Greek; God of Water Travel.
Gou: Beninese; Moon God.
Gucumatz: Mayan; God of the Home.
Gwalu: Nigerian; God of Rain.
Gwion: Welsh; God of Knowledge and Insight.
Hadad: Babylonian; God of Storms.
Hanuman: Hindu; God of Learning Knowledge and Insight.
Hasammelis: Hittle; God of Travel.
Hashye-Altye: Navajo; God of Communication.
Hastehogan: Navajo; God of the Home.
Helios: Greek; God of Solar Magic.
Hercules: Roman; God of Strength, Courage, Victory, and Success.
Hermes: Greek; God of Communication, Knowledge, and Insight.
Horus: Eqyptian; God of the All Seeing Eye.
Hotei: Japenese; God of Happiness and Joy.
Hu: Eqyptian; God of Authority in Communication.
Hymen: Greek; God of Marriage and Commitment.
Hyperion: Greek; Good of Solar Magic.
Iah: Egyptian; God of the moon.
Ida-Ten: Japanese; God of Truth, Validity, and Justice in Legal Matters.
Ikto: Shoux; God of Communication.
Ilmagah: Semitic; Moon God.
Inari: Japanese; God of Prosperity.
Jupiter: Roman; God of Weather
Kama: Hindu; God of Love and Romance.
K'uei Hsing: Chiese; God of Knowledge and Insight in Tests.
kuan-Ti: Chinese; God of Peace, Harmony, and Restitution.
Kunado: Japanese; God of Road Travel.
Lu-Hsing: Chinese: God of Prosperity.
Mah: Persian; God of the moon.
Mani: Nordic; Moon God.
Maui: Polynesian; God of Solar Magic.
Mercury: Roman; God of Communication and Travel.
Mars: Roman; God of Protection, strength and courage.
Min: Egyptian; God of Passionate, Sexual Love.
Misharu: Persian: God of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Mithra: Persian; God of Soldiers and Friendship.
Nabu: Babylonian; God of Written Communication, Destiny and Fate.
Nusku: Babylonian; God of Truth, Validity, and Justice.
Oannes: Babylonian; God of Wisdom.
Odin: Scandinavian; God of Wisdom, Psychics, Creativity, Divination, Oracles, Prophesy and general Magic.
Oghma: Irish; God of Written Communication.
Omacatl: Aztec; God of Happiness and Joy.
Ormazd: Persia; God of Knowledge and Insight.
Osiris: Egyptian; God of the After Life.
Padmapani: Buddhist; God of Protection.
Pan: Greek; God of Nature and Music.
Penates: Roman; God of the Home.
Peroun; Slavonic; God of Thunder.
Perseus: Greek; God of Strength and Courage.
Phoebus Apollo: Greek; God of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy, Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Plutos: Greek; God of Prosperity.
Poseidon: Greek; God of the Sea.
Prometheus: Greek; God of Protection.
Ptah: Eqyptian; God of Creativity.
Shai: Egyptian; God of Destiny and Fate.
Shamash: Babylonian; God of Divination, Oracles, and Prophesy.
Shiva: Hindu; God of Birth, Death and Rebirth.
Shui-Kuan: Chinese; God of Protection.
Sia: Egyptian; God of Knowledge and Insight.
Surya: Hindu; God of Solar Magic.
Syen: Slavonic; God of Home Protection.
Tamon: Japanese; God of Luck and Fortune.
Tenjin: Japanese; God of Knowledge and Insight.
Thor: Scandinavian; God of Thunder, Farmers, and Protection.
Thoth: Egeptian, God of Reincarnation.
Tenjin: Japanese; God of Knowledge and Insight.
Tien Kuan: Chinese; God of Happiness Joy, Health, and Well-Being.
Tvashtri: Hindu; God of Creativity.
Tyr: Teutonic; God of Truth, Validity, and Justice involving Rules.Veveteotl: Aztec; God of Creativity.
Varuna: Hindu; God of Justice.
Wajwer: Egyptian; God of Fertility, Fruitfulness, and Productivity.
Yarilo:Slavonic; God of Passionate, Sexual Love.
