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During their journey together, Braska, Jecht and Auron left a total of 10 movie spheres scattered around Spira, referred to as Jecht's Spheres. After you defeat Spherimorph in the Sphere Spring in Macalania Woods, you'll receive the first Jecht's Sphere. Only after this event would you be able to find other Jecht's Spheres elsewhere. When you receive the first Jecht's Sphere, it'll be reflected in your important items list; however, any other spheres you get won't be reflected in the list, so you'll just have to remember how many you've gotten : )

Although you won't get any reward for viewing the spheres, it is still important to find them in order for Auron to learn all of his Overdrive techniques:

View 1 Jecht's Sphere Auron learns Bushido 'Shooting Star'
View 3 Jecht's Spheres Auron learns Bushido 'Banishing Blade'
View all 10 Jecht's Spheres Auron learns Bushido 'Tornado'

Location of Jecht's Spheres

Jecht's Sphere 1 Macalania Woods, Sphere Spring, receive after defeating Spherimorph.
Jecht's Sphere 2 Besaid Village, outside and on the right side of Besaid Temple.
Jecht's Sphere 3 S.S. Liki, on the bridge (board it at Besaid).
Jecht's Sphere 4 Luca Stadium Basement A, at the very end.
Jecht's Sphere 5 Southernmost deadend of the Mi'ihen Highroad, Oldroad South. It's beside the chest in which you can find the Mars Crest for Auron's Masamune.
Auron's Sphere Mushroom Rock Road, Precipice, just besides the elevator thingy you later ride up.
Jecht's Sphere 6 South Wharf of the Moonflow.
Jecht's Sphere 7 Southern part of the Thunder Plains, at the base of the 2nd northernmost lightning tower.
Jecht's Sphere 8 Southern part of the Macalania Woods, near the first save sphere you encounter when you enter from the Thunder Plains.
Braska's Sphere Mt. Gagazet, Mountain Trail. It's not very far up the mountain.

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