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Yuna summons Valefor
Yuna summons Valefor
Yuna's Overdrive is very simple: It's the same as her ordinary summon, except that any aeon she summons with Grand Summon will enter battle with its Overdrive gauge full, so it can immediately use its Overdrive attack (another difference is that the recovery time for the Grand Summon is longer than that of an ordinary summon, of course).Overdrives to cause the most damage, press the X button when the cursor is in the middle as early as you can. The more time is left on the timer the more powerful his Overdrive attacks will be. The speed of the moving cursor varies for different Overdrive techniques, so watch it carefully! If you're unable to stop the cursor in the middle of the meter before the time runs out, the Overdrive will be considered to be "Unsuccessful" and the attack will be less powerful.

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