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This page lists all the techniques in Blitzball in the order they appear in the game when looking at the stats of any player (2 pages, 3 columns per page).

Page 1, column 1
Name HP cost Effect on stats Description
Jecht Shot 120 ST + 5 Blows away up to 2 opponents to get a clear shot at the goal.
Jecht Shot 2 999 ST + 10 Blows away up to 3 opponents to get a clear shot at the goal, and adds the 'invisible' effect to the shot.
Sphere Shot 90 ST + 3 Extra random bonus to ST ranging from 0 to 20 (press X button to select, affected by level as well).
Invisible Shot 220 ST + 3 Use left analog stick to determine where the shot will land; if keeper's circle doesn't overlap the point you choose, shot will be successful as long as ST is at least 1, regardless of keeper's CA. Otherwise shot will fail, again regardless of keeper's CA or ST value.
Venom Shot 20 ST + 3 40%, 70% and 100% chance respectively of poisoning keeper.
Venom Shot 2 35 ST + 5
Venom Shot 3 100 ST + 7
Nap Shot 45 ST + 3 40%, 70% and 100% chance respectively of making keeper sleep.
Nap Shot 2 80 ST + 5
Nap Shot 3 350 ST + 7

Page 1, column 2
Name HP cost Effect on stats Description
Wither Shot 30 ST + 3 40%, 70% and 100% chance respectively of halving either keeper's CA or BL.
Wither Shot 2 180 ST + 5
Wither Shot 3 390 ST + 7
Venom Pass 40 PS + 3 30%, 60% and 100% chance respectively of poisoning opponents who try to block. However if opponent intercepts the ball successfully there will be no effect.
Venom Pass 2 120 PS + 5
Venom Pass 3 350 PS + 7
Nap Pass 40 PS + 3 30%, 60% and 100% chance respectively of making opponents who try to block sleep. However if opponent intercepts the ball successfully there will be no effect.
Nap Pass 2 200 PS + 5
Nap Pass 3 510 PS + 7
Wither Pass 40 PS + 3 30% chance of halving EN, AT or BL of opponents who try to block. However if opponent intercepts the ball successfully there will be no effect.

Page 1, column 3
Name HP cost Effect on stats Description
Wither Pass 2 180 PS + 5 60% and 100% chance respectively of halving EN, AT or BL of opponents who try to block. However if opponent intercepts the ball successfully there will be no effect.
Wither Pass 3 440 PS + 7
Volley Shot 10 Nil When receiving the ball and close to opponents' goal, 50%, 75% and 100% chance respectively of making a direct shot at the goal instead of catching the ball.
Volley Shot 2 40
Volley Shot 3 250
Venom Tackle 30 AT + 3 40%, 70% and 100% chance respectively of poisoning opponent being tackled.
Venom Tackle 2 70 AT + 5
Venom Tackle 3 160 AT + 7
Nap Tackle 40 AT + 3 40% and 70% chance respectively of causing opponent being tackled to sleep, when tackle is successful.
Nap Tackle 2 90 AT + 5

Page 2, column 1
Name HP cost Effect on stats Description
Nap Tackle 3 180 AT + 7 100% chance of causing opponent being tackled to sleep, when tackle is successful.
Wither Tackle 8 AT + 3 40%, 70% and 100% chance respectively of halving EN, PS or ST of opponent being tackled.
Wither Tackle 2 80 AT + 5
Wither Tackle 3 250 AT + 7
Drain Tackle Nil Nil 40% chance of stealing 30 HP from opponent being tackled. Pre-requisite: own HP > 30.
Drain Tackle 2 70% chance of stealing 150 HP from opponent being tackled. Pre-requisite: own HP > 150.
Drain Tackle 3 100% chance of stealing 500 HP from opponent being tackled. Pre-requisite: own HP > 500.
Tackle Slip 40 Nil 40% and 80% chance respectively of avoiding opponents' tackle without decrease in EN. Immediately after avoiding a tackle, there's a certain risk of being disoriented: 20% for Tackle Slip and 40% for Tackle Slip 2. Being tackled at this time will cause the player to randomly lose one equipped technique until the end of the half.
Tackle Slip 2 170
Anti-Venom 5 Nil 50% protection against poison.

Page 2, column 2
Name HP cost Effect on stats Description
Anti-Venom 2 50 Nil 100% protection against poison.
Anti-Nap 40 Nil 50% and 100% protection respectively against sleep.
Anti-Nap 2 210
Anti-Wither 30 Nil 50% and 100% protection respectively against wither.
Anti-Wither 2 200
Anti-Drain 10 Nil 50% and 100% protection respectively against drain.
Anti-Drain 2 50
Spin Ball 30 Nil Gives the ball a spin during shots so that if the shot is unsuccessful, it has a higher probability of being deflected rather than being caught by the keeper.
Grip Gloves 30 Nil During unsuccessful shots, keeper has a higher probability of catching the ball instead of merely deflecting it.
Elite Defense 5 (to equip) Nil Computer-controlled players will find and intercept opponents with the ball from futher away.

Page 2, column 3
Name HP cost Effect on stats Description
Brawler 10 Nil 60% chance of player being able to engage in faraway encounters, ie., range for encounters is increased.
Pile Venom 30 (to equip) Nil Effects of venom and wither respectively becomes more serious upon repeated inflictions of venom/wither.
Pile Wither 70 (to equip)
Regen 50 (to equip) Nil When not in possession of the ball, HP recovery is 4 times normal rate.
Good Morning! 180 Nil When waking up from sleep, certain parameters temporarily become 99 (50% chance of activation; if not activated no HP is lost).
Hi-Risk 300 (to equip) Nil Except for HP and SPD, all other parameters are halved while the amount of experience pts gained at the end of the match is doubled.
Golden Arm 30 (to equip) Nil During passing and shooting, the rate at which PS or ST decreases is halved (from decreasing at a rate of 20% to a rate of 10%).
Gamble 300 Nil When waking up from sleep, all parameters except HP and SPD becomes randomized (press X button to select, 50% chance of activation; if not activated no HP is lost).
Super Goalie 30 + final CA value Nil Random bonus to CA ranging from 0 to 10 (press X button to select, 60% chance of activation; if not activated no HP is lost).
Aurochs Spirit 600 ST + 10 Extra bonus to Wakka's ST equal to the sum of all the ST values of the original Aurochs team members (Datto, Letty, Jassu, Botta and Keepa) on your team. One good reason to level them up! With this move Wakka's ST is almost guaranteed to reach 99. Oh, and nap effect is added to the shot, in the unlikely event that it's unsuccessful.

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