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Ken's Art

Instructors & Bios
Location and time

Course outline

Our Mission
Developing the greatness in Afrikan Children by cultivating wisdom and the spirit of victory through playing, learning and imagining rooted in the richness of Afrikan traditions and values.

The greatness our ancestors achieved in the arts and sciences inspires us to help Afrikan children reach their limitless potential. We believe a part of this great legacy is the birth right of each of our participants and in a culturally affirming environment that builds self-esteem and a healthy self-image, they will add to the legacy of Afrikan greatness to the their descendants and the World. Our civilizations walked the edge of human genius and imagination, never ceases to be fresh, innovative and vibrant and we can never truly lose our way- the example of our ancestors is our guide. This is the spirit of VICTORY that inspires the Academy of Heru Auset.


The Afrikan-Centered Approach
Four components of our holistic curriculum
General learning outcomes for program participants
Program activities

The Academy of Heru Auset is an Afrikan-centred holistic program comprised of four major components or streams. These are: 1. Academic Stream -Focuses on the intellectual development of participants, primarily, participant's knowledge acquisition about Afrikans' and their past. Participants will learn an uncolonized version of history, which depicts Afrikans as actors instead of subjects of historical and social processes. A special emphasis will also be made to turn participants on to math and sciences. Life skills such as time, financial management are an important part of the curriculum designed to develop healthy and productive habits in participants at a young.

What participants will learn - Topics will examine Afrikan civilizations and cultures starting with the classical cultures of Ethiopia, Kemit (Egypt) and Nubia; introduction to Afrikan languages; the geography of where Afrikans are in the world and how they got there and, Afrikan inventors and their inventions - ancient. Both age grades will participate in saving and investing activities and learn about the consumption and production of assets and liabilities. The older grade will explore the conditions of Afrikans globally and the historical, and economic and political forces that effect their lives as well as how mastering the natural sciences can improve the conditions of Afrikans wherever they are.
Art and Expression - Focuses on cultivating an appreciation of the beauty of Afrikan forms and expressions in art, performance and creative presentation, while developing participant's creative and artistic skills. An Afrikan-centred standard of beauty will be used and participants will be encouraged to reflect on the intrinsic beauty of the natural physical state of Afrikans and the unique qualities that distinguish them from other peoples. Instructors will use and explain the significance of distinctive Afrikan symbols and motifs as well as preferred hues, textures, styles and shapes in their classes.
What participants will learn
- Topics will examine the notion that "Black is beautiful" by employing various artistic media, including painting, drawing, jewellery making, etc. as well as how to interpret Afrikan themes in drama, dance, music, creative writing, elocution, etc.
Character Development ~ Values & Ethics - Focuses on instilling Afrikan values, represented by the Nguzo Saba in participants. These values are, These values will be reinforced by the program's philosophy of "it takes a village to raise a child" and the operationalization of our extended family approach to interactions with participants. The goal is to develop outstanding Afrikan citizens of our community and the world dedicated to improving the welfare of Afrikans and to defending their interests. Personal character development will be addressed within the traditional Afrikan system of rites of passage and initiation based on the successes and accomplishments in ones current stage in life.
What participants will learn
- The format of programming activities will emphasize teamwork and cooperation. The qualities of trust, honesty and mutual respect will be taught as foundation to developing and maintain good interpersonal relationships. Participants will learn that their personal success does not have to be at the expense of their community and that collective action is superior to individual action though the latter is necessary and important. Participants will be constantly challenged to be productive and innovative in ways to advance the interest of the Afrikan community. There will be lessons of good personal etiquette and manners within an Afrikan-centred social context.
Health and Fitness
- Focuses on good diet and nutrition, personal hygiene as well as staying healthy through exercise and sports. The dietary approach will be from the perspective that we "eat to live and not live to eat" and that a well-balanced organic diet will be presented as the preferred dietary model that promotes good health. Structured games and activities from the Afrikan cultural experience will be introduced as ways of developing mental (coordination, reflexes etc.) and physical fitness.
What participants will learn - How "to eat to live" by consuming food that is good for the body and junk food that can result in health problems. The building blocks of food and combining food groups will be taught in a fun way with practical exercises such as juicing delicious and nutritious beverages and preparing basic meals. A special practicum in farming organic produce is planned to be offered in the summer semester in. Physical education will be oriented towards establishing the basis of life long fitness routines and regiments that incorporate cardiovascular exercise, stretching and endurance. Participants will be exposed to systems of physical discipline as a means of conditioning the mind and spirit.
Who we are and how we work
Program management
Staff and volunteer positions
Superviser & Intstructor profiles Instructors
The program curriculum identifies the learning objectives and the class content necessary to achieve them. Instructors with the skills required to deliver the content are recruited and paid a per diem honorarium to teach the content to participants.

Ken Campbell -Art
A self-taught artist, Kenneth Campbell was born in Kingston Jamaica the fourth of seven children. He began drawing at an early age. His professional career as an artist began a decade ago when he sold his first oil paintings, sketches and prints which have been displayed in various community centers and public institution in Ottawa Canada. His love and passion fir Afrkan cultures and esthetic is evident in his work. Mixing brilliant colors with Afrikans motifs and themes helped him to create his own unique style. He works fluently in various mediums: Oil, acrylics, charcoal, and pencil. Ken believes that art is the outer expression of the unseen world imagination. His goal is to always express through his art the best of human potential. Ken presently resides in Ottawa, Canada. He is currently the President of JakuKonbit an African centered and family oriented organization.
Neema Mugala
Fabienne Lozis-St.Vil
Epah Fonkeng
Michel-Age Hyppolite
Don Payne

Gavin Holder
Krystle Latouche

Program Assistants
The Academy of Heru Auset boasts a high instructor to participant ratio to ensure that your child receives a high degree of personal attention. This personalized attention is even higher through the work of volunteer program assistants, who work with the Program Supervisors and Instructors to engage participants in activities, help explain or demonstrate what is being taught and supervise participants while on site.

Jaku Konbit Inc. ©2003

Ken's Art