Behold my museum of oddities.....

The addition of many chicago friends has caused me to reorganize my photo galleries.
Please note the lovely new faces of my fellow geeks and freaks!
**Just added: DAY OF THE DEAD PARTY 2002 PICS!!!

I want to see Cleveland Freaks!
Oh hell, just show me more freaks already!
NO STOP!! Let me go home!

Alyssa and Bill

Alyssa loves rats and other cute furry creatures. She makes clothing out of things you can buy at home depot and lusts after a good pair of goggles.

Bill is our friendly local DJ. He also enjoys gaming and watching movies. He was having a good time at our party, although in this pic he looks like he drank too much grass jelly.


Heather is renfest geek, and if you get on her bad side, she's got a sword with your name on it. She makes some great gazpacho and is fun to assault with kitchen utensils.

Heather and Steve

Heather is a guinea pig fiend and has more neopets accounts than any mortal should. She loves Steve because he is Stevil. Look at that gleam in his eye. They both are fond of cheese and eating food that still has the heads on it.

Keith and Leah

Keith is our skydiving friend. He's always trying to convince us to jump out of planes. Personally, even jumping off furniture is too high for me. Leah is a college pal who tagged along. Keith brought us a lovely new bottle of chartreuse for our party. We love him. :)


We met Rich during a new years party. I must say that alcohol, Rich, and magic markers make for an interesting time.

Kym N Friends

This rowdy bunch from left to right is" Paul (Kym's man), Jesse, Kym, Jen, and her new pet fuzzy skull. I think this picture pretty much explains how our parties can get....

Josh, Jen and Patrice

Josh was lusting after my pink 50's stove. Some morning I'll find it missing I imagine. Jen and Patrice have gone clubbing with us and appreciate quality stompy music. Every time Patrice steps in the shower, I think her hair changes color and style. It's like a snowflake, never the same twice. She's an aspiring writer with a wicked sense of wit.

Glenn, Steph and Ken

Glenn is our friendly local chemistry major gone bartender. I'm sure if you want sulfuric acid on the rocks, he can do it. Steph loves cute bats and follows too many synthpop bands for her own good. She also provides us with Wrigley's pure chewing satisfaction. Ken is....Ken. He's a motorcycle guy and has made me addicted to wasabi peas.

Peter and Dana

Here's Peter after a sugar buzz, snuggling up to a very placid Dana on New Year's at Danse Matrix. Really, I think he's trying to rub the glitter on his face back onto hers....but I could be wrong.