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My Home Page

This website is maintained by Scott Stinson, myself. On this website, you will find some information about me as well as some computer projects I have worked on.

Update 3/20/2009

I recently posted some thoughts on foreign language learning. It will take me a few days since I'm busy working on my mother's garden and studying my Korean.


It's been over 3 years since I've done any update to this page. In the summer of 2008 I came back to America to take some college math classes and try to find a teaching job in Maryland, where I happen to be living with my mother right now. I'm still learning the Korean language at the local Korean Church.


Currently I'm in South Korea teaching ESL and learning the Korean language. Eventually, I will learn some more job skills so that I don't have to choose between teaching ESL or a fruitless job hunt in America. Needless to say, there simply were not enough entry level Computer Business jobs for every Computer Science graduate. To anybody interested in the Supermax game: If you want to edit the game, write an email to me.

Occasionally, I still do textbook exercises to in order to remember my programming skills. For practicing my programming skills, I use the GNAT Ada95 compiler and the DrScheme interpreter. I officially gave up the Computer Science job hunt in February 2005. With that in mind, I do not have to be learning every minute detail of all those APIs and can actually enjoy life outside a computer box.

Email Address
Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Just don't send any spam. Thanks.

My Favorite Web Sites

A link to some Korean pictures and a short explanation of my trip in Korean. A longer explanation will come later.

Korean Hanjas

Thoughts on learning foreign languages

Ideas for Reforming the ESL Industry

The Supermax game
This is a game that I have worked on between 2002 and 2003. I stopped working on it in January in order to spend
more time job hunting and learn other programming skills.

3d Graphics projects
Back in 2004, I had toyed with the idea of doing a 3d game. Eventually, I had given up on it due to lack of time. Programming is relatively easy compared to doing 3D artwork. 3D artwork is more difficult than 2D artwork. If I ever do 3D programming again, I'll most likely use GNAT or Free Pascal. Both of those tools have OpenGL bindings.
Sub. So far, I have learned how to use Blender3d for making submarine models and have written a program
that allows 2 computers to communicate via null modem cable.

I'm the man in the red shirt standing up.