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My Home Page

This website is for holding the game Supermax so that people can download it. Currently the game is in the alfa stage. The game should be in beta stage before December. There are currently a few special effects in the game.

The most recent versions from October 2003 onwards are going to be the Windows and Linux binaries. The old source will remain up for educational purposes but I won't post the most recent source. The reason for that is that I'm considering turning Supermax into a shareware product or some similar type of deal.

Instructions for playing the game:

'x' for jumping.

'd' for firing gun.

CTRL+arrow key for firing gun and running at same time.

News: 10/18/03

Today, I finally got around to uploading the Linux and Windows ports of Supermax. The game currently has a bug in which the bullets of the character can kill the Robot boss from very far away so I'll have to correct that bug. By the end of the month, I will have more enemies in Level 1 and will begin to create Level 2.

News: 10/12/03

Today, I compiled and uploaded the MacOS X port. The Windows and Linux ports should be uploaded this week. Right now, the bullets now actually hit and kill the Zombie. The Zombie explodes. I also put the Robot boss in the end of level 1 and the Robot boss shoots lazers. I should have the scoring mechanism complete by November.

News: 08/19/03

Bullets now appear when you stand still in right direction and press d. Most current version is in the source and linux executable.

The Executable
This contains the DOS executable for the game.

The Windows executable
This has the Windows executable along with the alleg40.dll .

The MacOS X executable

The Linux executable

The Solaris Executable

A screenshot of the game