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Francis Lee - Emanuel Lasker
Super-Master (DRR) Tourney
London, ENG; 1899.

This is a game that I saw a long, long, long, time ago, I don't remember where I saw it or who showed it to me.

I have been working on many games of  Lasker's  ... ... ... since about 1995 ... and therein lies several stories.

I have had several friends and students that were interested in Lasker over the years.

GM R. Fine once told me after I watched a simul of his, that: "Lasker was the greatest of all players, his games are like bottomless pools of incredible complexity."  (He also indicated in print - more than once - that he was a big fan of Lasker's.)

I struck up a friendship of sorts with a (probable) Russian player on a European chess server back in 1998 or 1999. We played a lot of games together and chatted a bit ... although his English was always very broken. I am guessing that he was of at least a player of GM strength, he once defeated a strong computer in a game of slow chess. He said his better playing days ... "were behind him." (He never gave me his name.) He did indicate that he knew quite a bit about tournaments of the 1950's through the 1970's - enough so that I had to guess he was often providing me with a first-hand account. He even admitted once that he had seen Fischer play  ...  many times. (He also told me that Fischer in the late 60's and early 70's was clearly superior to all the other players of his day, and that not even Garry Kasparov ever displayed such complete superiority over the other players of his era.)   ---> This same player was also very fond of Capa and Lasker ... calling them simply:  "The two best players who ever lived." (I also had to guess he had to be something of a writer ... he knew far too many details just to be casually concerned.)

As he was a big fan of Lasker, we even analyzed a few games together. One night he told me to: ... "study Lasker's games ... esp. those of London, 1899." In particular, he told me to study the game, "Lee-Lasker." I said, "No. You mean the famous game where Lasker won a brilliant Caro-Kann." He responded that, no - he meant the Ruy Lopez, and Lasker as Black. While I downloaded all the games of this event from one website ... I never really got around to DEEPLY studying them. At least, not right away - around that particular period of time.

Later, in 2000 or 2001, I picked up a military (Internet) student who was also VERY enamored of Lasker. We often studied Emmanuel Lasker's games together, often until the wee hours of the mornings.

Also around this time, I was given several books that touched on Lasker ... or the games of that period. I got VERY interested, and slowly I began analyzing - fairly thoroughly - quite a few of Lasker's games. This effort is what eventually led to this web page being created. 


  Click  HERE  to see an explanation  of some of the more common symbols that I use 
    while annotating a game. 

This is mostly a text-based page, with only one diagram. Therefore, you will probably need a chess board. 

NM F. Lee - GM Em. Lasker;
Double-Round-Robin Tournament
London, England; (Great Britain) 1899.








(Game goes here.)









  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I.  Copyright (c) A.J.G;  2003.  




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(LOTS!! ... of great annotated games.)

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(To contact me concerning this analysis, click here.)

This page was first posted: Monday;  January 13th, 2003.  This page was last updated on 03/19/06

 Copyright  (c)  A.J. Goldsby I 

 Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1975 - 2005.   Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2006. 


 (Note:  This page/game was previewed between  10 - 15  times.)