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Emanuel Lasker - Francis Lee
Super-Master (DRR) Tourney
London, ENG; 1899.

This is a game that I saw a long time ago, I don't remember where I saw it or who showed it to me. (This game might have been in a Reinfeld book, {"Great & Brilliant Games of the Masters," ... or something like that.} I am not really sure. Or it might have been in a collection of Lasker's games when I was very young. A guy at chess club was a big Lasker fan and had many books of his game.) It IS a very famous ... and EXTREMELY brilliant game. 

I have known many people over the years who were sold on Lasker ... one of the most influential was Dr./GM R. Fine. (I saw several of his simultaneous exhibitions, the first when I was about 10 years old in New York.) Fine thought Lasker's games were some of the most interesting ever played. 

I have been working on many games of  Lasker's  ... ... ... since about 1995 ... and therein lies several stories. 

I also played a (probably Russian) master on the Internet a few years ago ... he too seemed to think that Lasker was the greatest player who ever lived. We even analyzed a few games together. 

I also had several Internet students who liked Lasker or wanted to study his games. 

This led to a renewed interest in Lasker ... and perhaps to try and tackle some of his better games. 



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    while annotating a game. 

This is mostly a text-based page, with only one diagram. Therefore, you will probably need a chess board. 

GM Em. Lasker - NM F. Lee;
Double-Round-Robin Tournament (R. # 3)
London, England; (Great Britain) 1899.








(Game goes here.)








  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I.  Copyright (c) A.J.G;  2003.  




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This page was first posted: Monday;  January 13th, 2003.  This page was last updated on 03/19/06

 Copyright  (c)  A.J. Goldsby I 

 Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1975 - 2005.   Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2006. 


 (Note:  This page/game was previewed between  10 - 15  times.)