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How To Make Wings

step one: The first thing you do is too
think about how your wings
will be on your character and match
them to the position of the character.
step two:(use zoom) draw the contour of the
wings using gray,do it as good as you can cause that is the
most importent part of the
making of an angel
(don't forget to add the feather effect at the end of the wing).
step three: fill the wings with the color white. And that's it.
sometimes you will have to delete some of the
character to do the wings, like when
you can see he's back.
use your imagination to think where to decide the wings and in what shape.
I use paint to do most of the job, I draw the contour of the wings with the pensil tool.
the special effects like speed and the spining energy blasts I do with photo shop.