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Cool Links

A site that in it you can upload and download LF2 stuff. but I would Like it if you will mail it to me first :).

Rzen Magna
It's Rzen site, you can find stuff on LF2 and other stuff.

Zettrick's Homepage
A site about, LF2, you can find some cool downloads there and some cool pictures.

Jiquera's place
a site of the programmer of LF2 guide, Louis adventure and much more... check it out.


It's not about Little Fighter 2 but it's got all kind of things (Hebrew)

BMDS home page

a site with pictures, templates and more (German).

Henry's Home page

Very nice Homepage about LF2, have templates,
links, flash movies, pictures and much more.(Chinese and English)

LF2 chat, by Jiquera
It's a chat about LF2.

Very nice site about LF2, have templates, pictures, some cool
stuff and it's got a Bulletin Board (Hebrew).

LF2 Kingdom

have all kind of things (Chinese).

alot of links about LF2
most of them are in Chinese.

LF2 official Bulletin Board

Marti Wong's Homepage

Starsky Wong's Homepage