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Battle Guide 3


Interface                         Equipment                      Gaining Ranks                 Earning Awards              Map Overviews


The Basics                      Attacking the Enemy        Defending Attacks           Staying Alive                    Building Bases


Achieving General           Getting Top 10 Ranks   Bad Things to do in BF Mining                                   Map Tips                          Player Tips                        

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The Interface page shows and describes your Battlefield Control Panel in the game and tells what their specific purpose is.

This is your equipment panel, it shows all the equipment you have and you can click on the icons to activate and disable a specific equipment, for more detailed descriptions on equipment, go to the Equipment Page of the site.


This is the scope button, it allows you to use your tanks build in sniper mode to snipe out and attack tanks from 1 screens worth of distance. You can see in all directions and it can make you vulnerable if someone were to attack you opposite to the direction you were scoped out in. Press SCOPE on the bar to return to your centered screen.


This is your fuel bar, it shows how much health you currently have, there is a different colored life bar for each color. You use up bits of fuel on your fuel bar when you move, shoot, teleport, and pick up objects. Be CAREFUL! If your fuel bar is completely depleted and all fuel is gone, you will get deactivated and demoted and lose your current rank (excluding recruit). When you first start out the game, only half of your fuel bar is usable, as you gain higher ranks, your bar will extended and be able to carry more fuel, therefore enabling you to shoot, move, teleport and stay in fights longer. When you reach General, the highest rank in the game, your bar is completely filled and maxed out. For more information about RANKS, go the the Ranks Page of the site.


When pressing the Binocular button a large screen of the current map your in will appear, though you cannot see all of it, you will be able to teleport great distances across the map, as long as you pay your fuel cost. You lose precious fuel the farther you teleport, so be warned. If your teleporting into another part of the map, try to teleport near the tiny yellow dots you see on the screen, those are scattered pieces of fuel containers and usually have enough fuel to charge up your tank, you might have to look later to fully fuel up. Or as an alternative immediately use the radar and you might pull up some fuel. The blinking square on the screen is you, depending on your color, (Lets say you play as Blue, the blinking blue square is you, and the other blue squares across the map are other blue players, the other red, orange and purple squares are enemy tanks and vice versa.).


When pressing the mine button, you will get to lay a set of 9 mines around you for a tiny piece of fuel, the mines are invisible until the enemy player or another enemy player uses the radar to detect them. Mines are ideal because a teleporting enemy tank cannot teleport on a mine other than his or her color. This means that if you make bases planting mines are a must, they are also great in barging enemies that are hoping to drive away from you for a few seconds, the enemy will run over an invisible mine, and get hit with a little bit of damage. The same effect goes towards you, YOU MUST use the Radar or Extra Radar in order to see newly planted mines. You can also blow up mines with standard shots, with obstacles, and with your mines.


Probably one of the most important functions in the game, the radar is used to detect mines, fuel, and equipment. Without it, your chances of survival would be very slim. Use the radar whenever you need to find fuel to store up your tank. Use it also to find valuable equipment and use it to blow up mines that may get in your way. When you first start out your radar sweep is generally small, but as you gain ranks you will eventually be able to see more and more of the screen. When reaching General you will be able to Radar Sweep about 1/2 of the screen or so. The Extra Radar however, the rarest equipment piece, lets you see a full screen other than just your tanks normal radar swipe.


Pressing this button is just a quick way to see how much equipment you have, just like when you enter the game.


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