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Battle Guide 3


Interface                         Equipment                      Gaining Ranks                 Earning Awards              Map Overviews


The Basics                      Attacking the Enemy        Defending Attacks           Staying Alive                    Building Bases


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The Basics

The basics page just shows you the most common actions in battlefield.

Moving Click where to move.

The most common thing in the game, movement. Just click once on where you want to go and it will say "Wait for Move" after that your tank will drive automatically to that selected spot. Notice that you cant drive over the large rock formations. You cant, you have to go around them or teleport past them.

Lifting/Picking up Obstacles Click and Hold, then Release to Pick up. Same with Dropping.

Lifting and Picking up Obstacles can help you in many ways. You can build bases with them, block shots, and make bridges to cross water paths unless you have a Ferry....

Sailing over Water with Ferry's Click stay directly on top of ferry, then click on a body of water nearby to move through it.

As you can see I am on a ferry, (the blue tank) in the crazy maze center with my obstacle. Ferry's are great for escaping for the enemy for fuel, finding equipment, or just smooth sailing. Some players, which could be considered as bad, just stay in water and do nothing else. Sounds pretty boring to me =)




Shooting Double Click on an enemy tank color or just highlight player with mouse and press and hold spacebar.

The 2nd Most common thing to do in a game, shooting of course! Here you see me beating up pathetic purple-1 computer corporal. In addition to standard shots which only use little bits of fuel and not equipment, shooting can be used with different combinations of equipment, a good combo is Dual Shots/Homing Shots. An excellent combo, twice the damage and for a little bit of fuel you get to have a missile which follows your opponents movement, great!



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