
            Irasshaimase!  This page is dedicated to art - mostly anime-style, but there are some excellent examples of other techniques as well(not
    drawn by me, you'll notice).  Please enjoy, and remember:  Steal this art without crediting the artist, and you get to be - intimate - with
    several well-known anime sadists.  I know a LOT of them.

         My Art

         Rei-sama Sketch in Pencil   See?  I HAVE improved a lot since I drew this picture - since I've drawn a lot of these pictures, actually.
    Anyway, this is just a very nice sketch of Ayanami Rei-sama from Evangelion, from the shoulders up in some sort of kimono-type thing.
    Don't ask me, I only drew it.

         Torako   One of the few ink sketches I've ever drawn; I did it at camp for a newspaper sort of thing.  BTW, it's supposed to be a
    girl, but it's hard to tell.

         Faceless Couple   Kind of a rough pencil sketch that I drew in math class one day.  I'm still proud of the wings.

         Genki Goth! ^-^V   This is a design for a character I created named Shiko, who is(as implied by the name) a cheerful Goth.  Yeah,
    I know it sounds weird, but in context it's REALLY cool.  One day I'll finish writing that story…

         Mieru   One of my first attempts at drawing an entire person, and not the best.  Part of it's that I never could figure out what to do
    with her mouth, and the face is just not good…  Ah, well, everyone has their off days.  At least her kimono is still pretty cool.

         Miya   The name is rather random, but I LOVE this pic.  I was sort of trying to draw Rei-sama, but I like it better this way.  It's
    all cool and stuff… yeah…

         Girl with No Shoulder Blades   Heh - the profile came out okay for once, but I had no idea how to shade the back, so - I didn't.
    Silly me.

         Profile Practice   I'm usually very bad at profile, but here it looked pretty decent until I started drawing the neck and back of the
    head.  *sigh*  And no, I don't know the gender of this person.  There was a pic of Kamui I had in mind when I was drawing it, but it
    could just as easily be male or female.

         Subaru Sketch   I used to be incredibly proud of this picture, and now - I'm not.  It's still better than some of the art that I attempt,
    but it isn't the best anymore.  I copied it out of my Tokyo Babylon manga(volume 5, if you're curious).

        Shalohim    Another character from the Genki Goth story… I wuv him to pieces, he's such an adorable little angst puppy!  (Just like
    Kamui, no da.)  This is probably my overall absolute best picture I've done, other than maybe that pic of Sephy in a tux.  Oh, and a note -
    it scanned in kind of funny...  ^-^;;;  As Ryuujin-san rather poetically put it, "It looks like a mirror image in a pond on a slightly breezy day."

         Rurou Kaosu   This is a sketch for one of Ryuujin's characters for an episodic RP created by another friend.  It turned out pretty well, I
    think.  BTW, that black butterfly on his neck is supposed to be a tattoo...  ^-^;;;

        Shanshalya   A sketch for my character from the aforementioned RP; she happens to be a bird-human mix.  I was going to make this a
    full-body sketch, but I couldn't get it proportioned right so I just scanned in her head.  It's partially in color, because Shanshalya is part crane
    and I wanted to make sure everyone could tell.

            And, just in case you were wondering why I never draw anything in full color:

         Semi-San   >.<  Not only does it not really LOOK anything like San(at least according to Chiiru-chan, who would know), but the
    coloring is atrocious.  San may not be a vampire, but he isn't a sun-worshipper, either…  This is how everything I try to color goes(not to
    mention the fact I usually forget I'm planning to color something, so I go ahead and shade it in pencil…  >.<).

         Art by Matt Meczynski

            A collection of some of Matt's best artwork, as scanned in by yours truly.  ^-^v  Please tell me I'm spelling that last name right…

         Archer Guy   A cool pencil sketch of an archer.

         Bald Guy   This is just some random, annoyed-seeming bald guy.  Still excellent artwork.

         Cool Profile Pic   Oh, but I would kill for this much ability to draw…  Whoever the guy in this pic is, I LIKE him.  *drools*

         DBZ-Style Guy   This may be an actual DBZ character(he looks really familiar), but I'm not sure who.  Ah, well, it's a great pic

         Elf and Sword   For some reason the art in this one doesn't appeal to me as much as in some of the other pics, but it's still good
    and the coloring is definitely cool.

         Eyepatch   A very cool and realistic picture of some guy with an eyepatch.  Worth a closer look or six.

         Forest Scene   Just some guy walking through a forest - excellent shading on the trees.

         Girl in a Sweatshirt   Ooh… pretty…  Absolutely WONDERFUL pic, though for some reason the girl reminds me of Beiria
    from Irritability.  Not that that's a bad thing…

         SSJ Goku and Guys   I don't know who the other people in the pic are, but the focus and best artwork is clearly the picture of
    Super-Saiyan Goku in the middle.  Wow…

         Group of Demons   No, really, I'm not an evil blood-drinking Satan-worshipper…  ^-^;;;  It's just a really good pic of some demons,
    honest.  Now go away, I have to sacrifice - uh - slaughter some chickens.

         Sketch in Ink   A sadly unfinished but very nice picture of a guy drawn in ink.  I don't dare use ink, because you can't erase it, so
    kudos to Matt and everyone else who does.

         Ladder Fight   Looks a lot like something out of Marathon, doesn't it?  Especially that fusion pistol the guy's carrying…

         Mamoru Sketches   That's right, you heard me - these are a couple pictures of Mamoru(Darien in the dub) from Sailor Moon.
    According to Matt himself, a friend of his asked him to draw the pics, and he stopped in the middle of the third one(not posted) because he
    started hating himself.  ^-^;;;  Regardless of how you personally may regard Mamoru, these are very good pics.

         Masked Guy with Sword   Yet another cool picture.  I think it's the same guy as the "Cool Profile Pic" above, since both pics were
    on a couple of pages that seemed devoted to character design(I just picked two of the best), but don't take bets on it.  Still, cool pic, cool
    character - anyone want to help me convince Matt to draw his own manga series/doujinshi?

            *sound of crickets chirping*

            Hmph.  Lazy visitors - the curse of a website.

         Scary Face   See?  THIS is what coloring should be, even if the actual pic is kinda scary…  *eeps and runs away to hide*

         Posing Guy   I kinda like the way this guy is standing - otherwise, it's just sort of a standard good pic.  ^-^;;;

         Spy on a Wall   The face is a bit weird, but I love the way the brick wall is drawn.  *sigh*  I'm lousy at backgrounds…

         Super-Cool Pic   Oh, my Lord…  *swoons*  Good pic.  GREAT pic.  In fact, DROP-DEAD ABSOLUTELY AWESOME PIC!
    THE must-see pic of this whole collection.  A friend of mine said that it looked like Legato from Trigun, but it doesn't really.  It's way
    cooler, for one thing.  ^-^V  I looooooooooooove this pic…  I would cheerfully kill Nakago, Muraki, AND Gendou Ikari for the ability
    to draw this well…  (Of course, I'd cheerfully kill them anyway, but the drawing ability would be a nice bonus.)

         Guy in a Trenchcoat   Not THE best artwork here(though it's a hell of a lot better than most of my stuff), but the overall coolness
    of the pic made me post it.  Besides, it's a long-haired guy in a trenchcoat - what more does a little bishie-gatherer like me want?  ^-^v

         Unicorn Sketch   I didn't notice that it was breathing fire when I first looked at it, but it is…  O.o  It's awesome, anyway, and
    demonstrates Matt's ability to draw more than just people.  Heck, I'd settle for just being able to draw people.

         Vegeta Sketch   There's no shading or anything, but I like Vegeta and it's a good sketch, so - here it is!

         Yin-Yang Guy   Another cool picture of an android-ish person with the dark half of a yin-yang symbol on his forehead.  Saidin,
    anyone?  (Hey, there were notes in that sketchbook about the route to Caemlyn, so don't give me that look.)

         Little Zeru-chan Sketch   A small but very good pic of Zelgadiss from Slayers(he's one of my favorite characters, so I usually call
    him Zeru-chan).

         Another Zelgadiss Sketch   A much larger and excellent picture of Zeru-chan.  He's just too cool…  ^-^v  You can kind of see a pic
    of Xelloss through the paper, but I didn't scan that pic in because a) I hate Xelloss and b) that picture was creeeeeeeeeeepy.

           Knight in Armor   Wai!  More spiffy Matt-san artwork at last!  This is a cool pic of a person in armor that he drew so I would
    have a model of someone in plate armer next time I want to draw someone in it(my stab at it going alone is on the next page - ah, if only
    I had waited to ink it…).

           Genderless Character Sketch   A really nice, if somewhat unfinished, sketch of a character with no discernible gender.  One day, with
    luck, I'll figure out a gender for it and then give it an appropriate name…

           Half-Masked Man   A very cool little ink sketch of a guy with a mask on the lower half of his face(NOT THAT KIND OF MASK YOU
    LITTLE PERVERTS!!).  I know it's a bit crooked, but Matt-san did draw it on that funny-shaped bit of paper and that made it hard to align
    on my scanner...  ^-^;;;

            Well, that's it for now!  Please check back occasionally for updates, and remember what I said about the sadists!

And, for no reason at all:

I'm the one who submitted this caught image, just so you know…  To catch your own Rei-sama, go here:

Look!  I added another page to the sketchbook!  ^-^v  You must all go and look at it NOW, because it's cool and stuff!

            Sketchbook Page 2

         Sketchbook Page 3

         Sketchbook Page 4

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