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Baibis' Scrabble® Cuate Site

Links to other Scrabble sites
Links to sites where you can play word games
Basic study word lists
How to install the Scrabble CD
Tips to play online

Click on the appropriate link to download the patch that you need :o)

Patch for Scrabble Version 1

Patch for Scrabble Version 2

If you would like to play Scrabble in higher resolution, you can download and install the color fix patch .

You'll need to unzip the file. Once you've done that, open the folder where it unzipped to and right click on the scrabble icon. Click on Copy. Then, open the Scrabble folder in your hard drive and paste it there. If it asks you about overwriting, click on OK. You're all set!

*****Enjoy your game!*****

If you have any questions or suggestions, please