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About Me

    My name is Geoff (pronounced "Jeff"), but my online alias is either General Geoff or ATFS_Geoff. General Geoff is a name I've been using for years, but ATFS_Geoff I attained in the fall of '00 when I joined the Advanced Tactical Fighter Squadron (ATFS). I began my online life right after new years '99, right after my family bought a computer. Since then I've joined many organizations and things, most of which I am still an active part.

    I'm 17 years old, and my life ambitions include becoming much more proficient in computers and maybe getting a job in the field; I am also an avid car-nut and wish to become a mechanic some day. My life passion, though, is to become a GT racecar driver (preferably for team Chrysler). This stems back to 1992, when the Dodge Viper was unveiled at a Detroit auto show. As soon as I set eyes on it, I knew I had to have it and drive it some day. My dream holds true still.

    Besides being a Viper freak and general car-guy, I also like weapons, medieval weapons in particular. I just find something special in the way 2 people face each other and duel with swords. I think that's much more honorable than guns; however, I like guns a lot too. Not because of their killing power, or because they kill people, but because to me, they are works of art, and finely tuned pieces of machinery to boot. I also enjoy target-practicing with automatic weapons, especially assault rifles like the M-14 and M-1. Anyway, this leads me to my online obsession with Flight Sims.

    As far as flight-sims go, I might go as far as to say I am a fanatic. Since February of '00, I've been heavily involved in flight sims and online fighting, in particular Fighters Anthology (A Jane's/EA game). Eventually, I even made a very involved website dedicated to Fighters Anthology (FA). You can find a hyperlink to that site on the bottom of this page. After that I obtained 2 other excellent flight-sims, the Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, and Jane's USAF. For all intensive purposes, though, FA is my main flight-sim.

    I also enjoy Carmageddon TDR2k, This game is one of the best racing/demolition games of all time. Some may say it's a sick game, but it's one of the most entertaining things ever. Best $50 I ever spent. I don't play Carmageddon too much online, but I play it a lot alone. Also I enjoy hacking codes (that is, I used to) for PSX with a GameShark. If you want, visit for a very cool codes archive and nice message boards. I'm a mod in the PC forum, in part because of the aforementioned games I'm involved with.

    Onto another thing I like to do: Magic: the Gathering. Now, you may be thinking, "Wow! This guy does a lot of stuff!" when in fact I really don't. If you think about it, you probably have a lot of things you like to do. Anyway, MtG has been a hobby of mine since October of 1998. I've been modifying decks, and playing casually for that long. I'm not really much into tournaments, because I like cards that don't really do much (Think about it: One of my favorite cards is the Headless Horseman, a 2/2. Period. I'm not joking!). I kinda blend in with the whole role-playing community too. I play D&D from time to time, and I play Shadow Run every Friday. I guess that makes me a gamer (duh). 

    As mentioned above, I like medieval weapons and so I like to collect swords. Mostly Katanas  (oriental swords) and others of the like, for example wakisashis and tantos. I am fascinated with them, especially ones with a mirror finish (I can SEE Myself in the blade!!). Sooner of later I will get really into, and start collecting high-maintenance carbon steel bladed Katanas. You see, carbon steel, as opposed to stainless steel, can be made much sharper, however they tend to rust easily, so to maintain a carbon steel Katana you must oil it regularly and clean it often. 

    I live in Allentown, Pennsylvania, but go vacationing often down south to North Carolina and Virginia with my family. I have a sister, who is 19, and going to Moravian College. I myself am enrolled in high school, where I am going to be a senior. My parents are cool; my mom got her nose and eyebrow pierced and my dad, his nipple (!). Besides that, there's nothing much to tell...

    Oh, in case you were wondering, the only reason I'm not planning to enlist in the Air Force or Navy to be a pilot, it's because of my vision.... I need glasses (not thick ones, albeit) so that basically shoots that out of the window. I might post a picture of myself some time or another, but I'm not quite decided yet. Please enjoy this site as well as my FA site (link below). Now get out of my face and have a nice day!


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