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Well, how did you like it? Send me your opinion about my story. I really want to hear what you think about my story.
*taps fingers* Not much going on in the world of Zelda. You may want to check out these sites for some wierd Zelda realated stuff:
Radio Zelda
Both are kind of strange and weird. They have a connection to Majora's Mask which you will find if you read some of the stuff there. Keep in mind that seems like a site made by people with a mental illness with the idea that our world will be destroyed on October 26th!!!!!!! Now, I could have sworn that I've heard that somewhere before.
Zelda jokes:
Why did the cuckoo cross the road? Because Link was chasing it with a sword! Ahahaha! Errr... Never mind.
Why did the Deku scrub cross the road? It was running from the cuckoo! Ahahaha! Ok, Ok, so I can't tell jokes!
This has been another exciting episode of Wonders of Hyrule updates!

Oh oh! Before I forget! I will no longer be changing the "last updated" thing at the top of this page. From now on look for it at the bottom of the very first page. This way you can tell if it's been updated right when you walk in!

I know, I know. I promised updates at least every other day. Sorry. I've got to worry about school now though. High school is really going to suck this year. Oh, well **sigh**.
Please do not pay attention to the top part of my page where it says "last updated". I will now be puting that on my very first page so you can tell as soon as you walk in. Not much more. I'm working on adding Ch. 2 of the Hyrule saga to my site. Please write and tell me what you think.
Little Zelda joke: Why did the Deku scrub cross the road? 'Cause he was runnin' from the cuckoo! Get it? Haha, haha, ha! Errrrr... Never mind.
Oh, yeah! I'm also going to put the COMPLETE logbook from MM in the Majora's Mask section! Watch for it!

New english pics of MM are now available in Set #8!
Also: I am putting a glitches section on. If you have any glitches that you've found send them to me and I'll post them!

Ahem! I am proud to announce the beginning of my story, The Hyrule Saga! Read chapter 1 now!

I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. From now on I'm going to try to update every other day. Even if I just write something in here telling you about something new in the gaming world. The reason for the lack of updates is because of the obvious lack of info on MM. But since Space World is now open there should be some new stuff soon.
I have added a new (very short) letter to the What you think section. It's short but somewhat amusing.
I also have several new pics from the english version of Majora's Mask which will be added shortly.
As for the Hyrule Saga, I'm writing the pages for my site now and I dont expect any further delays.

The english version of Majora's Mask is finished! If you're as big of a Zelda Fan as I am you're probabally wondering why they don't release it right now.
In other news, the release of the story I'm writing, the Hyrule Saga, is going to be pushed back to sometime later this week. Look for it. If you didn't see the earlier news from last week, the story is about what happens to Link after Majora's Mask. Keep in mind that I have no idea what Nintendo really has in mind for the Zelda series after Majora's Mask. I just made this story up.
Also: go look at set #7 in the screen shots. In there are the fist shots of Majora's Mask in english.

Well, I'm back. Took a little longer than expected. Sorry. I've got a little update today. The first Majora's Mask shots in english. As of 12:40 on Monday August 14 the link is not operational yet. I'm going to work on it right now so if you just read this wait another ten minutes before trying again. When you want to see them they are in Set #7 of thew screen shots.

Since I'm leaving this week there wont be any new updtaes. Sorry about that. But! I'm working on a new section called the Hyrule Saga! It's a story, written by me, about what happens to Link after Majora's Mask. I've already got 5 chapters done and I will realese them next week when I return. After that I will bring out a new chapter every week. I don't know how long it will take to end the story because I'm making it up as I go along. See ya in 7 days! Bye!

A new Beta Quest code has come in! It lets you ride Epona through Beta Quest! I have not added the link yet but if you want to see it go up to the adress bar, erase indexnew.html from it, and then in its place put eponabeta.html(or without .html). I can not try this code because my Gameshark recently broke somehow so I would appreciate someone telling me if it works and what it's like. Thanks!

I'm sorry that I am not updating regularly but information about Majora's Mask has kind of stopped. I haven't seen anything new on any of the big Zelda sites for a week now. Plus I'll be on Long Island and in New York city for the next week and I won't be able to update anyway. Sorry. I'll try to update my page as soon as possible so please hang in there.

Im going to be away this weekend so I'm not going to be updating my site untill monday at the latest.

I haven't been getting a lot of letters lately. In order for me to put information, that you want to see, on my site you need to tell me. So, please feel free to send me any questions at all. Thank you.

Since I have been making a lot of updates to my site you may want to scroll down this window to find out what you've missed

New to the game and want to find out what it's all about? Go to my, "What is Majora's Mask?" section.

I've added a few more pictures to the character list so you van see what they look like.

My Oni Link section is now open! See if Link ever grows up in MM!

New MM release date! It's now coming out October 26th! Yay! Lets hope they decide to move it up a little more!

Does Link ever grow up in MM? Find out in my Oni Link section!

(coming soon)

Have no idea how the game is going to work? No problem! Here's my gameplay section to start you off!

I'm currently working on more stuff for the Majora's Mask section so hang in there!

I have added four new midi files to the music section. Download them now! Also... I have opened up a characcter section from Majora's Mask! See some of the characters that you'll interact with in the game. Want to find out how the time system works in MM? Then go to my Time passage in Termina link! You'll find both of those under my Majora's Mask section.

I would like to take a little time to open up a litle bottle-o-bubbly for the enveiling of the new Wonders of Hyrule, which is now run by me, SMB.

Alert! This site is under new managment. Im SMB and i am this sites new webmaster.

I have fixed the movie clip! Sorry for the inconvienance.

I understand that there has been a problem with the movie clip. Don't worry, I'll figure it out.

I just added a new section called, "Wonders of Hyrule Exclusive". In this section you'll find a part called, "What You Think". In there I will post any letters you send me about what you think of old, new, or upcoming Zelda games. Be sure to look there often, since I'll be adding new parts to that section very soon.

I changed my site again! I hope I get fewer complaints now.

Well, you might have noticed some changes. Yes that's right! I have made a new homepage! I figured that it would be better off this way. You can expext to see some more changes in the future.

My new Beta Quest findings section is now fully operational! You can see the Triforce, Chamber of Sages, Blue Godess, and the Green Godess to! The Beta Quest Findings section is at the bottom of the page. Have fun!

Finally I have added a clip from Majora's Mask to my site! If you would like to view it then click the link below this news box.

Attention Webmasters! I have added a new Link Exchange part to my site! If you would like to participate then please visit my Link Exchange program to find out more.

Want to listen to some Zelda Music? Then go to my music section

All new pictures from Majora's Mask avilable! Click here to see them.