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~ Minor Spirit Spell Circle ~

  • 101 Spirit Protection I
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    -10 against all elemental attack spells.
    +10 spirit warding against spell attacks.
    Notes: Affords some minor protection against spell attacks. Since the duration is cumulative, this can be useful when going up against a spell-casting creature by building up the duration beforehand.

  • 102 Spirit Barrier
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    Creates a 10' x 10' x 10' wall of dense churning air around target. -50 to all attacks that must move through it (either in or out). Elemental attacks are affected because they consist of a physical attack.
    Notes: The affected character/creature has a bonus to defense but a penalty when attacking. This can be useful if you cast it on a creature you intend not to fight but have to stick around (or get around) for some reason, or if you want to use nonelemental attacks.

  • 103 Spirit Defense
    Duration: 2 min/lvl (not cumulative)
    Creates a bright aura about the target, making him/her appear more powerful, and bestows a +10 to his/her DS.
    Notes: This spell imparts no penalty for attacking as does Spirit Barrier so it is a good defensive bonus. At higher levels it will last quite awhile, every little bit helps.

  • 104 Disease Resist
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    Target gets an additional spirit warding against any disease if the first one fails.

  • 105 Poison Resist
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    Target gets an additional spirit warding against any poison if the first one fails.

  • 106 Spirit Fog
    Duration: 1 min/lvl
    Causes a room to be flooded with fog (works indoors or outdoors). This imparts a +30 to everyone's/thing's strength and increases the ease with which you can hide.
    Notes: Like Spirit Barrier, this is useful in specific instances where you want to lower your risk at the expense of your physical attack odds. Unlike Spirit Barrier, this affects everyone in the room.

  • 107 Spirit Protection II
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    -25 against all elemental attack spells.
    +25 spirit warding against spell attacks.
    Notes: This spell is a more powerful version of Spirit Protection I.

  • 108 Stun Relief
    Will un-stun the target.
    Notes: Entirely effective, but at 8 mana points is expensive. Same spell as in the oaken wands, which are handy to have on hand. In life or death situations this could be vital, as being stunned greatly reduces the victims physical defense.

  • 109 Dispel Invisibility
    Will dispel invisibility on any character/creature on the room which fails a spirit warding. Yet it also forces folks out of hiding, odd.
    Notes: Does not work on invisible objects (which are rare).

  • 110 Unbalance
    Calls upon the spiritual forces to impact the target if their spirit warding fails. The target would then suffer an injury from the unbalancing injury table. The severity is determined by how badly the spirit warding failed.
    Notes: Although this acts like an elemental attack spell, it is not subject to physical laws and is not aimed. A successful attack is a guaranteed injury. These injuries tend to cause a foe to fall (and then you can follow up with an attack), however it can do significant damage of its own.

  • 111 Fire Spirit
    Will fire a ball of bright light high into the sky which can be seen by anyone standing outside. If cast at a target it acts as a Major Fire attack.
    Notes: This signaling device doubles as a fair weapon. When used as a flare/signaling it must only be used outside, or else it will rebound on you!

  • 112 Water Walking
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    Allows the target to walk on water as long as the spell lasts. This only works on smooth water and is ineffective on large open lakes, a rapid river or an ocean, however it is good for submerged areas frequently found in deep dungeons.

  • 113 Undisease
    Will remove 1 disease from a given target.

  • 114 Unpoison
    Will remove 1 poison from a given target.

  • 115 Spirit Burst
    Duration: 5 sec/lvl
    Causes the spiritual forces to grant the caster the ability to say just the correct word that will stun a given sentient being into immobility for up to 5 sec/lvl of caster depending on how well it works.

  • 116 Locate Person
    Can be cast on any character in the game and will give you a brief vision of where they are.
    Notes: If you know your geography, this should help you find someone pretty quickly. This spell sometimes fails to work in certain locations, due to magical instabilities in that area.

  • 117 Spirit Strike
    Duration 10 sec (non-cumulative)
    Calls upon the spiritual forces to provide guidance for a brief period of time. This imparts a +75 bonus to the target's next physical (or elemental attack). This is the same spell that the blue crytals are imbued with.

  • 118 Web
    If the target fails the spirit warding, they/it become entrapped within a sticky web. The duration of the web depends on how badly the target failed the warding. The victim is quite vulnerable while webbed.

  • 119 Herb Production
    Causes a random herb to grow instantly on the ground.
    Notes: This spell can only be used outside.

  • 120 Lesser Shroud
    Duration: 1 min/lvl (cumulative)
    Similar to Spirit Defense except caster appears to be a minor god (an illusion). This bestows a +25 to all defenses of the target.

  • 125 Call Lightning
    Caster causes multiple lightning bolts to strike a target within the room. This spell only works outdoors and requires about 20 seconds for the storm cloud to form before the attack will take place.

  • 130 Spirit Guide
    Causes a caster and his or her group to return home, or certain specific locations within an area, such as right inside the North Gate of Wehnimer's Landing. This is a powerful teleport spell and is useful for getting a party out of danger quickly.
    Notes: Everyone who is joined to the caster will teleport with him/her. You can use HOLD (person) to hold onto someone who is otherwise incapacitated. Great for evacs!

  • 150 Wall of Force
    Duration: 30 sec/lvl (cumulative)
    Creates a wall of force that strongly resists attacks. The wall will follow the caster and position itself to fend off attacks while letting outgoing attacks pass without penalty. This spell bestows a +100 to the all of the target's defenses!