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~ Kaivatia ~

Kaivatia beams happily at you!
"Hello my friend! So glad you could drop by."

You see Lady Kaivatia Mezomana the Incantress.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She appears to be youthful and tall. She has gold-flecked violet eyes and dark skin. She has long, upswept platinum hair worn in a chignon. She has a delicate face, an upturned nose and small pointed ears.
She has a colorful pitohui tattoo on her ankle.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing some solid gold rune-etched earrings, a small white diamond choker, a gold-chained pale lavender crystal, some white feathered angel wings, a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap, a crystal temple pin, a gold-threaded white velvet satchel, a mirror-finish golden vultite shield, some reinforced imflass-lined leather, a lace-trimmed white silk bodice, a dainty golden charm bracelet, some delicate lace-trimmed leggings, and some gold leather boots.

Kaivatia gives you a warm hug and a friendly smile.

Kaivatia removes a funny critterstick from in her tiger fur wrap.

Kaivatia gently taps her funny critterstick, and the comical monkey at the top clambers down the slender pole, one of its hands on the wood, the other clutching a miniature banana.

Kaivatia giggles and says,
"This reminds me of one of the funniest stories I've come across in the lands, 'The Stick of Power'. Ye might want to wander by Juspera's place in a bit, she tells it best."

Kaivatia tries to pull you towards her!
"That Juspera is always getting into some kind of whacky mess, so watch yourself as well as your pockets, whilst ye be keeping her company"

You hear someone grumbling from the shadows.

"Come out of those shadows Ysgiana and greet our guest!"

Ysgiana smiles and with a slight curtsy says, "Sorry if I startled ya."

You see Ysgiana Stonewave.
She appears to be a Giantman of the Grishknel Clan.
She appears to be an adult and very tall. She has silver-flecked black eyes and milky white skin. She has raggedly cut, tousled coal black hair streaked with silver. She has an oval face, a straight nose and high cheekbones.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing some silver teardrop earrings, a glowing amulet, a tear-shaped black diamond necklace, a black leather hooded cloak, a black silk climbing pack, a silver mane wand harness, some inky black brigandine, a scarab-laced crimson silk bodice, a thick skull-clasped belt, an engraved silver toolkit, a black mesh drawstring pouch, a crimson-lined black lace skirt, and a pair of cuffed crimson boots clasped with silver skull-shaped buckles.

Kaivatia whispers to you "Ysgiana be a rogue same as Juspera, but she detests the reputation that thieves give her profession."

Kaivatia rubs Ysgiana gently and says, "Ysgiana is my dearest friend and protector, nae doubt she would lay down her life for me. I am rarely known to leave the town gates without her being along with me."

Ysgiana plops down on a large soft pillow.

Ysgiana asks you, "Have ya got any boxes ya need opened?"
Ysgiana removes an etched black vaalin lockpick from in her crimson silk bodice and deftly twirls it between 2 fingers.
"Be more than happy ta lighten yer load for ya while we visit!"

Nodding her head over towards the shimmering wyvern, Kaivatia says to you,
"Willie there be as harmless as I, just give him a lil pat there on his head and he'll settle back down so we can visit a bit."

Pet Willie
Willie the Wyvern