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Vascular Plants

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Although the bryophytes and lower tracheophytes have evolved various adaptations to terrestrial life, water is still needed for the MICROGAMETE (sperm) to swim to the MACROGAMETE (egg) for fertilization. Thus, these plants are essentially aquatic as far as sexual reproduction is concerned. The higher tracheophytes have developed two major evolutionary advances in their reproductive cycles that have freed them from the ancestral aquatic environment.

  1. the development of seeds
  2. the development of a microspore (male gamete) and microgametophyte (POLLEN GRAIN) that do not require water as a medium for fertilization

Reproduction by seeds is one of the principal distinctions between higher and lower tracheophytes and is generally viewed as a significant factor in the success of the higher groups.

General Characteristics

All seed plants are heterosporous and the greatly reduced gametophytes that develop from the spores are always parasitic (dependent) upon the sporophyte, which is quite conspicuous and dominant. In some cases, both microspores and megaspores are produced by the same plant (monoecious). In others (dioecious), microspores and megaspores are produced by different sporophytes. Ultimately microgametophytes, still enclosed by the microspore wall, are released and carried by wind or animals, especially insects, to the megasporangium (PISTIL). At the stage in which they are shed from the microsporangium (ANTHER), the male microgametophytes are called POLLEN GRAINS. Instead of falling to the ground and germinating there, the pollen grains are carried and deposited in contact with the megasporangium (PISTIL). This process of transport is known as POLLINATION.

The megasporangium or NUCELLUS, which contains the female gametophyte (egg), is protected by a covering (integument) and the whole structure - the potential seed - is called an OVULE.

Because the macrogametophyte (egg) is buried inside the ovule, the sperms of most seed plants must get to the egg through an outgrowth of the pollen grain called the POLLEN TUBE. The pollen tube enzymatically digests its way through the tissue enclosing the female gametophyte (goes through the neck of the pistil), enters the ovule through an opening in the integument known as the MICROPYLE, and breaks open, delivering the sperm.

After fertilization, the seed is formed and ready to leave the parent sporophyte. Under favorable conditions, the seed germinates and the embryo within it develops into a new sporophyte plant.


The GYMNOSPERMS include ancient lines of plants, some of which extend back to the lower Carboniferous Period (290 + million years ago). For many years the gymnosperms were considered to form a natural taxonomic group of closely related plants derived from a common ancestor. The evidence now available seems to suggest that the gymnosperms include at least two evolutionary lines that arose at different times and are genetically independent of each other. One of these lines led to the CYCADOPHYTA and consists of smaller plants, usually with PINNATE leaves and UNBRANCHED stems. They possess a large PITH area, little WOOD, and a thickened CORTEX. Another evolutionary line led to the CONIFEROPHYTA. This group contains larger plants which BRANCH considerably and have SIMPLE leaves. The stems have a SMALL PITH area, ABUNDANT WOOD, and a relatively SMALL CORTEX.

In addition to the characteristics already given for the Pterophyta, the gymnosperms typically produce naked seeds, usually borne on the upper side of open scales that are produced in cones. All are heterosporous and the sporophytes consist of true roots, stems and leaves. The sporophyte body is usually large (mostly trees) and woody with an active VASCULAR CAMBIUM producing considerable secondary xylem and phloem. Woody tissues are composed mostly of single-celled elements, the TRACHEIDS.

All are perennial and almost all are evergreen. With regard to reproduction, gymnosperms are characterized by various methods of pollination, the production of pollen tubes, and independence from water as a medium for fertilization.

Relationships of the Gymnosperms

Both evolutionary lines apparently originated from some ancestral heterosporous tracheophytes such as psilophytes. The lines of development separated early and both have evolved via the seed ferns. Although both are of similar age, the Coniferophyta have advanced much further in their evolutionary series. Such advances include nonmotile sperms, simple leaves, small pith and cortex, a freely branched stem, and emphasis on vascular tissue.

Economic Importance

The gymnosperms, especially the conifers, are an important source of lumber and lumber products. Among the principal timber-produ-cing trees are pine, Douglas fir, spruce, redwood, cedar, fir, cypress, and hemlock. Wood pulp for use in paper is also obtained from several conifers such as pines and spruces. Numerous other materials of economic importance, such as turpentine, tannins, charcoal, tar, various oils, resin and methanol are derived from different conifers. Turpentine is the principal solvent for many paints and varnishes; tannins obtained from hemlock, are used in the tanning industry, for ink making, and in the manufacture of certain drugs; and resins, extracted from pines, are used in the manufacture of linoleum, perfume, varnishes and other products. Conifers such as spruce and fir are used as Christmas trees.


This is an extinct group from the Paleozoic. Evidence indicates some were tall trees over 100 feet or more. They contained narrow, undivided leaves with parallel veins. Internally the stems of more primitive genera resembled cycads and consisted of large pith, scanty wood, and a large cortex. Advanced genera contained small pith, much wood produced by extensive secondary growth, and a thin cortex. Such forms have stems that resemble conifers and they are presently classified as such. Micro- and Megasporangia were borne in cones rather than on vegetative leaves - again suggestive of conifers.


Most numerous and widespread of the gymnosperms, they comprise some 50 genera and 550 species. They include such genera as pine, spruce, cedar, redwood, cypress, larch or tamarack, yew, fir, and hemlock. Most are trees, some are shrubs. There is a large variance in size. All are characterized by the production of cone-like strobili - thus their designation as cone-bearing plants. Most are monoecious, few dioecious; in none are both male and female organs borne in the same cone.

The pine is used as the representative example of this group. Pine may be viewed as an intermediate in the evolutionary sequence from fern to Angiosperm. The life cycle of the pine features certain evolutionary advances over the fern life cycle, which may be summarized as follows:

  1. In pine, there are two types of strobili, more complex and well developed (than in lower tracheophytes), which contain microsporangia and megasporangia.
  2. These sporangia produce microspores and megaspores, which germinate into microgametophytes and megagametophytes.
  3. The gametophytes are much further reduced than those of the ferns and are retained within the protective tissue of the cone during a portion of their development or are permanently retained.
  4. The gametophytes are dependent entirely upon the sporophyte.
  5. The gametes are not exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The sperm moves to the egg through a pollen tube and the egg remains embedded in the gametophyte tissue.
  6. Fertilization is independent of outside conditions of moisture thus the sperm are typically non-flagellated.
  7. The integument of the megasporangium affords protection for the egg and developing embryo against injury and dessication and enables the seed to retain its stored food.

The seed habit and dormancy are considered to represent major evolutionary advances in the plant world.


A remarkably diverse group which includes the cycads, palm like plants of tropical and subtropical areas. Once so numerous as to share equal billing during the Mesozoic with the "terrible lizards" - a time or Age of the Cycads and the Dinosaurs. This group is related to the seed ferns and transitional forms appear in the fossil record. All are dioecious with slow secondary growth from vascular cambium.


Ginkgo biloba is the only modern representative of this group. Fossil records extend back to the Permian. A fairly large tree which may reach 100 feet, it has been cultivated in Asiatic countries and transported to numerous cities in the U.S. and Europe. Structurally it produces a vertical axis with horizontally held branches and the characteristic leaves are broadly fan-shaped and bilobed with dichotymous venation. Unlike other gymnosperms, it is deciduous and loses its leaves in the fall. The stem and root are anatomically much like the conifers.

Ginkgo is strictly dioecious. It is especially resistant to air pollution and the seeds from the female plant produce a rancid odor as a result of butyric acid in the seed coat.


This group contains an unusual array of three genera with varying appearances. Gnetum,Ephedra, and Welwitschia all show a distinct relationship to the angiosperms.


Comparative Morphology and Fossil records seem to indicate that the earliest Angiosperms were woody plants with active cambium. MONOCOTS originated as early herbaceous (probably aquatic) offshoots from primitive DICOTS. Monocots filled niches that had been previously occupied mainly by ferns and their allies.

Active cambiumCambium (none)
Long-lived short-lived
Vascular bundles in cylinder
enclosing pith
Vascular bundles scattered
Vessels - noneVessels present
Evergreen Deciduous
Simple leaves Compound leaves
Alternate branchingOpposite branching
Net-veined leaves Parallel-veined leaves
Flowers - regular, perfectFlowers -irregular, unisex
Separate petals United petals

Angiosperm Evolution

The best indication of relationships among the angiosperms comes from analyzing flower structure. Unfortunately the soft parts of plants, particularly flowers, do not fossilize well, and thus, there is a minimal fossil record of the flowers. It is suggested that the most primitive angiosperms with flowers belong to the order RANALES. These plants and angiosperms in general show a general trend from SIMPLICITY to COMPLEXITY; however, floral parts are characterized by REGRESSION (COMPLEXITY TO SIMPLICITY).

There are two general theories competing for dominance in the field of angiosperm evolution. Each attacks the problem from a slightly different perspective, but there is considerable over-lap and agreement on certain general characteristics. The RANALIAN THEORY emphasizes evolutionary tendencies among the angiosperms. While important, this theory will not be discussed here.

The second theory is that set forth by Arthur Cronquist, formerly the Senior Scientist at New York Botanical Gardens, and is widely accepted today. It attempts to set forth a HYPOTHETICAL PRIMITIVE ANCESTOR of the Angiosperms. Because of extensive parallelism involved in the evolutionary origin of any large taxonomic group, it is doubtful that there ever was an original angiosperm which was ancestral to all other angiosperms. Rather there must have been a series of closely related groups of pre-angiosperms, evolving in the same direction from similar ancestors in response to similar evolutionary pressures. No matter how we define the angiosperms, there must have been several closely related evolutionary lines which independently crossed the arbitrary taxonomic boundary. This lack of absolute MONOPHYLESIS in major groups is an important and insufficiently appreciated principle of phylogenetic taxonomy.

Still it is useful to construct a mental hypothetical primitive ancestor which had all the primitive characters now seen in diverse living angiosperms but did not have any characteristics not shown in living angiosperms. Our efforts to construct this HPA are hampered by the lack of a significant fossil record connecting the angiosperms to any ancestor.

The HPA was a SMALL, EVERGREEN TREE (or perhaps a large shrub), of MOIST, TROPICAL places. It had ALTERNATE, SIMPLE, ENTIRE, STIPULATE, PINNATELY NET-VEINED leaves. The STOMATES probably had a pair of subsidiary cells flanking the guard cells. It had ACTIVE CAMBIUM, but the WOOD had NO VESSELS and NO pronounced ANNUAL RINGS. DOUBLE FERTILIZATION occurred,leading to the formation of a TRIPLOID ENDOSPERM and a small EMBRYO that was still immature at the time of ripening and discharge of the seed; TWO, or more likely several, COTYLEDONS and the cotyledons were brought above ground during germination.

Whatever their origins the angiosperms represent the largest number of species of any plant group and presently number over 250,000 species. They have been the dominant plant group on land for more than 100 million years.

The division ANTHOPHYTA includes two classes, the Monocotyledones (Monocots) and the Dicotyledones (Dicots). While they share a great many similarities, they are separate and clearly recognizable natural units. Monocots include the grasses, lilies, irises, orchids, cattails, and palms. The dicots include almost all the familiar trees and shrubs (other than conifers) and many of the herbs. Major differences may be summarized as follows: (see page 354, Raven,

Flower Partsin fours or fives in threes
Pollen tricolpatemonocolpate
Cotyledonstwo one
Leaf Venationnetlikeparallel
Primary vascular bundles in stemin a ring complex arrangement
True secondary growthcommonly present with vascular cambium absent

Visit this site and take note of the life cycle of the Angiosperms.

Fantastic site to show the parts of the FLOWER. More information about flowers and fruits. Another site about flower structure.


Two sets of factors must be satisfied in order for a seed to break DORMANCY and begin GERMINATION.

The first set of factors are INTERNAL: sometimes known as the REST state - a physiological state, depending upon the internal environment, that must be satisfied before growth ensues; e.g. full development of the embryo plant

The second set of factors are EXTERNAL: sometimes known as the DORMANT state - a physiological state requiring favorable external factors such as availability of moisture, warm temperature, abrasion of seed coat, removal of inhibitors (abscisic acid), light, oxygen.

The electrostatic attraction of water for cellulose causes the first in the series of steps for breaking of dormancy of the seed. This attraction causes water to be adsorbed to the exterior of the seed and taken in or imbibed. As water begins to contact cellular membranes, bound enzymes are released. This leads to the synthesis of new materials and certain plant hormones begin the breakdown of the stored starch or sugars. Respiration and osmosis begin operations once the cell membrane has become operative.


Correlate the images on this website with the following terms:


Pollination should NOT be construed as being comparable to fertilization in animals. Pollination represents the ways and means of release of pollen from the anther and its subsequent transport to the stigmatic surface of the carpel (pistil).

Types of Pollination

  1. Anemophily - air or wind
  2. Hydrophily - water, rain, dew
  3. Zoophily - animals
    1. Entomophily - insects most significant
    2. Ornithophily - birds
    3. Cheiropterophily - bats
    4. Malacophily - snails least significant

The fossil record indicates relation and parallel evolution of flowering plants and insects. About 100 million years ago the first bees and the first angiosperms are evident in the record. There are no butterfly fossil or flowers until about 50 million years ago. Destruction of the bees would lead to extinction of the angiosperms.

Methods of Preventing Self-Pollination

  1. Spacial segregation of the sexes
  2. Temporal segregation of the sexes
  3. Genetic basis
  4. Physiological basis
  5. Ecological basis ( biotic and abiotic for pollen release and transport)

Anthesis - time at which anthers or stigmas are ready or receptive or embryo sac contains egg.

Temporal segregation of anthesis prevents inbreeding.

  1. Homogamy - anthers and stigmas ripen at same time
  2. Dichogamy - both ripen at different times
    1. Protandry - anthers ripen first
    2. Protogyny - stigmas ripen first
Most PERFECT flowers are protandrous.

Morphological Segregation

Primula vulgaris produces two types of flowers. PIN flowers have short stamens and can only fertilize short pistil of THRUM flower and vice versa. THRUM pollen is twice as large as PIN pollen.

Ecological Segregation Curcubita (cucumber family) is monoecious. Alteration of moisture conditions can alter sex and plants may become dioecious Jack-in-the-Pulpit is a dioecious perennial which normally pro duces equal numbers of male and female plants. Drought conditions cause male root stock to produce female plants. Under ideal conditions female root stock produces male plants.

Visit this site for great photos of:
Flowering Plants
Also go to Sampler of Spring Flowers, and
SMSU Trees on Campus

References to Consult

On-line Study Guide for the Audesirk text. You do not have to register to use it. Simply go to the chapter of interest.
For Starr & Taggart users - go to Student Resources and then find the picture of your textbook. Click on that picture.

Another excellent online text

MIT Hypertext

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