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Readings and Assignments

All readings and assignments refer to the 9th Edition of BIOLOGY: The Unity & Diversity of Life by Starr and Taggart. This text comes with a CD Rom that contains a study guide, activities, animations and questions. In addition there is an online study guide at that contains additional questions and information. Go to and click on the Section entitled Student Resources, located in the left hand frame. Scroll down the page you come to until you find a picture of your textbook. Click on the picture to get to the site. Your most productive means of study should include the online study guide and the Self Quiz questions at the end of each chapter.

The questions listed below are to be answered in complete sentences, with proper spelling and grammar. These questions represent one way for me to determine that you have read the materials and to also determine your level of understanding.

WebUnitReading Assignments
Unit 1
Chapter 1 and
Extremophiles article
Review Questions 1,7,10
Critical Thinking Questions 2,4
Unit 2
Chapter 2
Review Questions 5,8
Critical Thinking Questions 3,5,6
Unit 3
Chapter 3
Review Questions 1,5,6
Critical Thinking Questions 3,5
Unit 4
Chapter 6
Review Questions 6,7,10
Critical Thinking Questions 2,3
Unit 5
Chapter 5
Review Questions 1,2,6
Critical Thinking Questions 2,3
Unit 6
Chapter 4
Review Questions 5,8,15
Critical Thinking Questions 3,4
Unit 7
Chapter 7
Review Questions 4,6,7
Critical Thinking Questions 2,3
Unit 8
Chapter 8
Review Questions 4,6,7
Critical Thinking Questions 2,3
Unit 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Critical Thinking Questions 3,4
Review Questions 1,4,7
Unit 10
Chapter 22
Review Questions 1,5,6
Critical Thinking Questions 1,3
Unit 11
Chapter 24
Review Questions 1,2
Critical Thinking Questions 1,2,3
Unit 12
Chapter 23
Review Questions 1,4,5
Critical Thinking Questions 1,2
Unit 13
Chapter 25
pages 402-410
Review Questions 1,2
Critical Thinking Questions 1
Unit 14
Chapter 25
pages 411-420
Review Questions 4
Critical Thinking Questions 2,3