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Objectives for Each WebUnit

Web Unit 1
Biology: The Science of Life
  1. You should be aware of the characteristics which are associated with living things.
  2. You should understand how these characteristics can be grouped into three large categories of: metabolism, reproduction, and homeostasis
  3. You should be aware of the current categories being used to classify organisms
  4. You should know the five kingdoms and the three Domains
  5. You should know the methodology that scientific people use and the steps involved in the process
  6. Be aware of the limitations placed on science and technology
  7. Understand the difference in meaning of the word theory for the layman and the scientist
  8. Understand the role of evolution as a unifying theory of biology
  9. Be aware of the tremendous role that is played by the biological sciences in our everday lives
Web Unit 2
Inorganic Chemistry
  1. You should understand the basic units of matter - the atoms, and know their parts
  2. You should understand that interaction between atoms leads to chemical attractions called bonds
  3. Be aware of the important role of the electron in these chemical bonds
  4. Know the different types of chemcial bonds and the types of molecules in which they might be found
  5. Understand the important role of water as a single molecule and as a collective group of molecules bonded together
  6. Be aware of the tendency of water to break apart spontaneously leading to the formation of ions
  7. Understand the basic principles of pH and know what the pH numbers represent
  8. Be aware of the characteristics of water and how these characteristics have made life on this planet possible
Web Unit 3
BioChemistry: Biology Brings Chemistry to Life
  1. Understand the differences between organic and inorganic molecules
  2. Know the fundamental building blocks (monomers) of the important biomolecules
  3. Know the different types of functional groups and understand their importance
  4. Understand the processes of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis
  5. Know that chemical reactions in living systems (cells) use enzymes to speed up those reactions
  6. Know the role of carbohydrates in the life of the cell and organism
  7. Be able to give examples of different types of polysaccharides
  8. Know the role of lipids in the life of the cell and organism
  9. Be able to give examples of different types of lipids
  10. Know the role of proteins in the life of the cell and organism
  11. Understand the different organizational levels of protein structure
  12. Understand that a change in the structure of the protein may prevent it from carrying out its role in the cell
  13. Be able to give examples of different types and categories of proteins
  14. Know the role of nucleotides in the life of the cell and organism
  15. Understand how the structure of nucleic acids is related to their function
  16. Be able to give examples of at least three categories of molecules that are constructed from nucleotides
Web Unit 4
Energetics & Enzymes
  1. Understand what is meant by the term energy
  2. Be able to describe the laws of thermodynamics
  3. Understand the role of the 2nd law in the everyday affairs of the cell and organism
  4. Know the differences between exergonic and endergonic reactions
  5. Recognize that these types of reactions are coupled inside the cell
  6. Be able to explain how energy is carried between coupled reactions
  7. Know how ATP or GTP is formed and broken down and the significance of such actions
  8. Recognize the importance of enzymes in controlling metabolic reactions
  9. Know the definition of a catalyst
  10. See how structure is related to function in the shape of the enzyme and its ability to catalyze a specific reaction
  11. Understand ways in which cells regulate enzyme action
  12. Be aware of the many physical and chemical factors that can influence the activity of enzymes
Web Unit 5
Membranes and Transport Mechanisms
  1. Know the various functions of the cell membrane
  2. Be able to explain how the structure of the cell membrane is related to its many functions
  3. Know the types of molecules that make up the structure of the membrane
  4. Know the role of the various types of proteins and protein complexes found within the membrane
  5. Be able to explain the differences between active and passive transport mechanisms
  6. Know the differences between simple diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion
  7. Be able to give examples of molecules or ions that are moved by each of these types of diffusion
  8. Know the various types of endocytosis and exocytosis that are used by cells
  9. Be aware of the various types of cell junctions that allow cells to connect and communicate
  10. Know the structure of the cell walls found in some organisms
  11. Know the different molecular makeups of cell walls of plants, fungi, and bacteria
Web Unit 6
Cells: Life's Basic Units
  1. Understand the basic principles of the cell theory
  2. Explain the characteristics needed to be considered a cell
  3. Know the differences between a prokaryotic type of cell organization and a eukaryotic type of cell organization
  4. What are the basic features of a prokaryotic cell
  5. Understand what is meant by the term organelle and their general role
  6. Be able to explain the structure and function of the various organelles found in eukaryotic cells. This includes the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi body, mitochondria, lysosomes, vacuoles, and plastids
  7. Know what is meant by endosymbiosis
  8. Be aware of the significance of the structures of the mitochondria and chloroplasts
  9. Know the role of the cytoskeleton
  10. Be able to explain the various types of proteins that make up the cytoskeleton
  11. Be aware of the structure of the cilia and flagella
  12. Be aware of the various organelles that have the capacity to move
Web Unit 7
  1. Explain what is meant by the term photosynthesis and its significance to the global environment
  2. Be aware of the structure of the chloroplast
  3. Know where different photosynthetic reactions occur within the chloroplast
  4. Be able to explain what happens during the light dependent phase of photosynthesis
  5. Know the role of the various pigments in the light dependent phase
  6. Recognize how the structure of the pigment apparatus is related to its role in photosynthesis
  7. Know what happen to electrons as they leave various molecules
  8. Be able to explain what happens during the light independent phase of photosynthesis
  9. What is the role of the Calvin Cycle during photosynthesis
  10. How are the light dependent and light independent reactions connected to each other
  11. What are some other types of carbon fixation pathways
  12. Explain some of the reasons why C4 plants are more efficient photosynthetically than C3 plants
Web Unit 8
Cellular Respiration
  1. Explain some of the difference between cellular respiration and non-cellular respiration
  2. Explain some of the differences between cellular respiration and burning
  3. Explain the differences between aerobic cellular respiration and fermentation
  4. How is fermentation different in plants and animal in terms of end products
  5. Be aware of where the different respiratory reactions occur within the cell
  6. Be aware of the role of the mitochondria in the process
  7. Be aware of the basic steps involved in glycolysis, the Krebs or Citric Acid Cycle and the electron tranport chain (you do not have to know each detail of these processes, but you do need to know what goes in and what come out of each)
  8. Why are bacteria more efficient at aerobic respiration than eukaryotic cells?
Web Unit 9
Cellular Reproduction
  1. Be able to describe the functions of cell reproduction for the cell and the organism
  2. Explain the differences in cell reproduction in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  3. Be aware that cell division involves both nuclear division and cytoplasmic division
  4. Be aware that mitosis and meiosis are nuclear divisions
  5. Be aware the division of the cytoplasm normally occurs as the events of nuclear division are coming to an end
  6. Be able to explain the differences between chromatin and chromosomes
  7. Be able to explain the events of the eukaryotic cell cycle
  8. Be aware of the mechanisms involved in the regulation and control of the cell cycle
  9. Be aware that oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are involved in cell cycle regulation
  10. Know what happens during each of the four phases of mitosis
  11. Know what happens during cytokinesis and how it is different in plants and animals
  12. Be aware of some of the genetic and species advantages of sexual reproduction
  13. Be aware of the overall process of meiosis (you do not need to know each of the steps in the process)
  14. Be able to explain the role and significance of the process of crossing over
  15. Be aware of the meanings of the terms diploid and haploid
Web Unit 10
Viruses and the Prokaryotic World
  1. Know why viruses are not considered to be cells
  2. Be aware of how viruses exist and what they do to carry out metabolism
  3. Be aware of the structure of a virus
  4. Know what virions and prions are and some examples of diseases they cause
  5. Know why Archaea and Bacteria are examples of prokaryotes
  6. Be aware of the differences between the Archaea and the Bacteria
  7. Be aware of the criteria used to classify both the Archaea and the Bacteria
  8. Be able to describe the various structures that make up the Bacteria
  9. Be able to describe the functions of the various structures
  10. Explain how the cyanobacteria differ from the other types of bacteria
  11. Be able to describe various benefits derived from some of the activities of the cyanobacteria
  12. Be aware of what it means for an organism to be pathogenic
  13. Be able to give at least four examples of pathogenic bacteria
  14. Be aware of some of the benefits provided by bacteria