the 7th bridge

dedicated to all piddlers......those who would rather float than surf

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do not let anyone deny you your Constitutional right to be an idiot.
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7th bridge blog
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Rapper D's

US/Confed Flags
  "If I Ever Get Back to Georgia I'm Gonna Nail My Feet to the Ground"
- Lewis Grizzard

SoWeGa - Soul of Dixie

Lewis Grizzard

Georgia Sons of Confederate Veterans

Astrology for Southerners

How To Speak Southern

Georgia Varsity Sports Vent


Make A Difference
because God has blessed us with the means to do so
Any Soldier
America Supports You
Operation USO Care Package

Civil Stewardship
because God has blessed us with self-government
U.S. Constitution - get it while you still can
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Founding Fathers
The American Conservative Union
Young America's Foundation
National Taxpayers Union
U.S. Chamber of Commerce <

JUNE 6, 1944

byablue's Personal Indulgence Corner
( aka: it's my party and I'll cry if I want to )

Your neighbor posts signs in his yard expressing his hatred for you, sets fire to images of you and your family, stands on his porch every day screaming that he wants you to die, then, come suppertime, knocks on your door asking you to help feed his family and offers to buy the shotgun collection you've got for sale in the local Shopper.
How much knowledge of ancient Persian history do you need to get a handle on that?

How many Democrats does it take to win a war?
No one knows, it's never been done.

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.
Its victims are every taxpaying, law-abiding American citizen.
Its victims are American young people who lose all respect for government as public service and learn from their elected officials that making money is more important than obeying the law.

What's curious to me is why Democrats are so desperate for terrorists to defeat us.
They either favor Muslim rule over America, are trying to pacify their left-wing money makers, are using our soldiers as political fodder to boost their own power, or all of the above.

I don't know why we don't just take over Mexico and make it a state.
Two-thirds of their citizens live here anyway. We could turn it into an upscale resort and pick up some serious tax revenues from high-dollar vacationers.

Road Trip!
The King
Fireblade Coffee House
Trojan's Collage & Art Work
What If...?
How Dumb are You?
'Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy
John Boy & Billy On-Line

thanks for being visitor number


to the bridge

Back East somebody's sayin':
Wanted: Email! 'Now, why don't he write!'

If you haven't done so already, scoot back up and sign my guestbook before you go, and thanks for stopping by! Ya'll come back now, y'heah!

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