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This page is Favorite recipes sent in by our Georgia Club Members.
Try some of these and get a Taste of the South!!!

Grits Casserole
This is best when using left over grits from breakfast, or you can make a fresh pot!
1/2 to 1lb of browned sausage
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 egg
left over grits, or 6 servings
mix cooked sausage, cheese , egg and grits in a pan. Pour into a greased casserole dish. Bake about 30 minutes at 350°. Sprinkle with cheese after removing from oven.
Makes a great side dish or main course.
Mary Bowen

"Gonga" Birchmore's Brunswick Stew

"Brunswick stew" is a dish that is as varied as bar-b-que. Nobody makes it quite the same. This is my great grandmother's [basic] recipe. (It was hand written in her cookbook, circa 1880s. At this time, she lived in Comer, Georgia, not far from Athens.) A stew like this cries out for variations. Be creative! The main thing to remember about this recipe is to use "used" meat. In other words, leftover cooked meats, whether they be fried, baked, broiled or roasted. The blending of flavors of the leftover meats is what gives it such a unique flavor. Do NOT, however, use seafood of any kind in this dish.

Leftover pork, beef, chicken (enough to make 3 to 4 cups of meat) (note: the original recipe called for squirrel, rabbit, venison, doves, quail, or whatever "game" was available)
2 cans tomatoes (14-16 oz each)
1 can whole kernel yellow corn
2 large or 3 medium Idaho potatoes
2 medium onions (Great Granny didn't use Vidalias, but I sure do!)
1 can baby lima beans (14 to 16 oz)
2 Tbsp cider vinegar
salt & pepper to taste

Grind meat, potatoes & onions In large pot, put tomatoes, corn, lima beans (including all the juices; excess liquid can be reduced if you feel there is too much) and vinegar Add meat, potatoes and onions Bring slowly to a light boil, stirring regularly Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally for at least an hour This dish is even better when reheated the next day Serve with crackers or cornbread and buttermilk.
Goldie Meow

And our Kudzu Recipes

Atlanta Online Menus
Submitted by Morgan

Recipes Galore
Sent in by a Friend of Georgia

Flavors of the South
Sent in by Thomas Latham

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launched - March 1998
Last Updated: Saturday, 13-Oct-2001 08:22:43 EDT