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Originator and
Editor Emeritus
of the Georgia Club
aka Web Sis 1/2
Georgia Icons
from the Georgia Club

What do you think of when someone mentions
Kuduz, Vadialia Onions, or how about...
Boiled Peanuts???
Well for most of us here in
Georgia we think of, what else but...
These items and more are what I call
'Georgia Icons'.
Of course a lot of these things are not exclusive
to Georgia, but most of them are certainly associated with this fine state.

The Vidalia Onion
The Vidalia Onion
More about the Vidalia Onion
And even more about the Vidalia Onion

Vidalia Onion Recipes
And more recipes

Jeff Foxworthy has a saying: "Did you ever cut your grass and find a car?"
With Kudzu, you might find a whole house underneath all the broad leaves and thick vines! It covers everything; trees, telephone poles, cars and trucks and tractors, houses and barns and sheds, and anything that gets in the way of its fast, expanding growth! Once in place, it is almost impossible to get rid of, and resists almost all efforts to that end.
Imported from Asia as an answer to erosion, it certainly does that well.
Unfortunately, once started, it starts covering everything. It is impossible to drive down hardly any Georgia Road, without encountering great patches, if not whole fields, of it!
It is so robust that Callaway Gardens keeps an example growing in a pot near one of their greenhouses. It's the only way to control its phenomenal growth.
More about Kudzu
Kudzu link
Another Kudzu link

The Varsity
The world's largest drive-in restaurant!
The Varsity

Boiled Peanuts
Boiled Peanuts


Fried Green Tomatoes
What the movie was named after!

And, certainly one of Georgia's favorite dishes:
Southern Fried Chicken

One of the best sites on the Net for information about the South!
Southern Delights: Jane Linten's site

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launched - March 1998
Last Updated: Saturday, 13-Oct-2001 08:21:55 EDT