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"Just Pretend"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1
Remember when young
we'd play a game...

it was called 'just pretend?'
Someday's we'd be frogs
hopping around giggling
others we were mom
or when serious even dad,
yet all the while we knew
it was always just pretend
a game we would play
to have fun being another
other than ones self.

Verse 2

Well today lets play again
but now you are a princess (prince)
with special powers to hold
they have been given to you
from one who holds the keys
for without authority no keys
even in just pretend are given
and without the keys we lack
the knowledge to understand
how special even a princess (prince)
has the potential to be.

Verse 3
Now as we play this game
let us change it to real
for my friend you are given
the keys to be a princess (prince)

Verse 4

to if you want to be a queen (king)
for Father has so ordained
one as special as you
can be anything you want
if you are obedient to the rules
for He holds the keys to all
and has promised us if worthy
all that He has will be ours.

Verse 5

My daughter (my son) sweet listen now
for you also have special powers
given only to women(men) to hold
and when used in righteousness
you can become like mother (a father)
preparing someday to be a queen, (a king)
or even more than your mind
can comprehend in playing games
like the one we played when young
called 'just pretend' and again
we've played once again
for if I were special
I'd let you play a princess (a prince)
or even a queen (king), for someday
that is what you have the power
to, in righteousness, become.

This is dedicated to my friend Benjamin;
Father loves us all, and when we judge ourselves with men
we find ourselves left short,
but when Father judge's us from eternity to eternity,
if worthy, we will find ourselves with the giants of the Universe.

I Soared
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Beyond a dream
to an illusion
of my inner self
my friend searched
I your thoughts
and in doing
found mistaken
trapped, impotent
reaching and screaming
your name
while embarrassed
your friends
stared at me

Verse 2

for your soul
was not among them
and they wanted
not to let
you go
and then
I soared
beyond my sight
beyond my imagination
as an eagle
with talons extended
to grip your thoughts
to find you still
my friend
and as black
was the night
black was I
as your eagle
upon whose wings
I soared
with those
I will love forever.

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