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"If At Once We Are Alone"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

If all the worldly cares of man
were on us to fall today alone
would we still be able to stand
would we be like water or a stone?

Verse 2

When the burdens get heavy
do we try to carry them alone
a rising river against the levy
or do we call on another one?

Verse 3

When it is the rain falling
wiping our flowing tears away
do we hear Father now calling
or are we too far gone this day?

Verse 4

To be alone when with family
is not all that unusual today
as we've given forth this daily
letting others use us this way.

Verse 5

So we've to break the mold
to get the ones we now love
to forget others and us hold
even if now and then we shove.

Verse 6

I've a hammer and the nails
to start this project right away
my ladder to climb any stairs
I'll smash my lover's tower today.

Verse 7

Alone is not the Father's plan
never was and never will be
it is now we need to take a stand
for those we love so deeply to see.

Verse 8

Given the Gospel now in our lives
we must always forgive and forget
even if it means the past slights
doing this so life we'll not regret.

Verse 9

Father loves us everyday the same
now we have this to teach for our lives
the reason He sent His Son who came
even if they be our husband or wives.

Verse 10

Now we need to take Father's plan
to tell the ones we love most of it
shaking the trees to make a stand
even if afterwards in corners we'll sit.

Verse 11

It is lonely when we have alone to walk
in the rain and cry aloud just to say
I LOVE YOU, hoping it's not just talk
with only the rain will wipe our tears away.

Verse 12

So forgive me Father when I cry at night
to go to sleep wondering if you care
I love my family, why do we have to fight
why can our lives and friendships we share?

Verse 13

I know you are listening and really care
this was the plan for me and now to fight
if at once I am alone and I think it not fair
remember I'm really trying to do what is right.

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